Chapter 5: The Joining.

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It was nightfall by the time that the Party had returned to the Ostagar Camp. "Well, that took longer than expected." Ratchet commented.

"What gave you that impression?" Talia asked. "The fact that it's nightfall? Or the crazy people we've encountered in the woods?"

"Yes." Ratchet answered. "Let's get this stuff to Duncan and enjoy a job well done." 

"Normally I say this ahead of catastrophes, but what they hey? Mission Accomplished!" Qwark declared.

"Duncan! We've got your vials!" Talia announced as the party went over to Duncan's tent where he and the other Grey Wardens were sitting down.

"You were successful then?" Duncan asked as he turned to the others. 

"Not that it was easy, but we did it." Talia answered. "We had a few setbacks on the way." 

Skrunch made his monkey sounds. "Skrunch said not to forget about Morrigan and her mother." Qwark translated. "A.K.A the Frog Lady." 

"There was a woman at the tower and her mother had the scrolls. They were both very... odd." Allistair explained.

"Were they Wilder folk?" Duncan asked.

"I don't think so. They were probably Apostates. Hiding from the Chantry." Alistair answered.

"I know you were once a Templar, Alistair. But Chantry business is not ours. We have the scrolls; Let us focus on the Joining." Duncan informed.

"Oh, and there weren't just those 2 hiding in the Wilds. There was another group. It wasn't Darkspawn, it was... something else." Ratchet added. "They were green and alien like. And they had bright gems on their foreheads." 

Duncan looked confused. Despite the fact that he had been a Grey Warden. He had never heard of the Creatures called the Metal Heads that Ratchet was describing. "Thank you, Ratchet. I will take this matter to the King." He thanked.

"Okay, so will you tell us what this ritual is about?" Talia interrupted. 

Duncan's face turned cold again. "I will not lie. We Grey Wardens pay a heavy price to become what we are. Fate may decree that you pay your price now rather than later." 

"Pay my price now?" Talia asked a little worried now. But she was a Cousland. And she had to remember her promise to her family that she would become a Grey Warden for them. No matter what would happen. Her parents would love her. She would do them proud. "I've come this far. I want to see this through." She said.

"I agree. Let's have it done." Jory agreed.

Daveth nodded.

"Then let us begin. Alistair, take them to the old temple." Duncan commanded. Alistair took the recruits to the Old Temple. But he then turned to Ratchet, Qwark and Skrunch. "Gentlemen. I'm going to have to ask you to stay outside for this part."

"Members only?" Ratchet guessed.

Duncan nodded. "Yes. Also, I think you can also help our cause by speaking to the King about his strategy. More minds are better than none." 

"Not to worry, Duncan. I happen to be an extremely skilled planner/artist. All I just need is some paper and a box of crayons." Qwark declared.

"A box of Crayons?" Duncan asked.

"Don't ask." Ratchet answered. 

At the Old Temple. Talia was twiddling her thumbs. But she wasn't as nervous as Jory was being. "The more I hear about this joining, the less I like it." Jory was saying as he was pacing around.

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