Chapter 2: The Lombax and the Grey Warden.

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Ratchet and Qwark showed up by one of the Castle cracks. And both could hear fighting going on inside. 

"We gotta get inside that Castle." Ratchet told Qwark and Skrunch. "You don't by any chance have 20 pounds of dynamite do you?" He asked.

"I knew I forgot to pack that before we left the house. Left it on the dresser and everything." Qwark smacked his head. "Sorry Skrunch."

Skrunch shook his head. 

And Ratchet had another idea. "I've got it. Qwark. You still got one of those Personal Hygenators?" 

Qwark pulled out one. "I don't know what you want with this right now. You picked a heck of a time to get an odd Hygenator thingy thing." 

"Why... do you still have one all these years, Qwark? You know that was a really worthless machine that caused really bad..." Ratchet didn't want to finish that sentence as he was getting really bad flashbacks. 

"Sentimental Reasons." Qwark answered. As Ratchet just took the Hygienator and set it to overload. And it blew open a whole in the wall.

"What do you know? The Hygienator actually did something useful for once." Ratchet declared. "Let's get in there and see what's going on." He ran inside followed by Qwark and Skrunch. 

Once inside Ratchet and Qwark realized that this wasn't like anything they encountered before. "Uh, Ratchet. I don't think these people have any technology here." Qwark commented.

"What makes you think that?" Ratchet asked. And he looked around to see that the castle was made of stone and not really a lot of metal. There was also some wood that was burning in a rubble pile. And he could both hear the sounds of metal clanging and screaming of men and women. "Okay, point taken. You know, it kind of reminds me of that High Fantasy Party we had that one summer." 

"You think it could be Nefarious attacking or something?" Qwark asked.

And that was when they saw armored soldiers chasing down some other residents with long knifed ears.

"Well, unless Nefarious has somehow hired some goons, I don't think it was him." Ratchet answered.

Skrunch screeched again. "Okay, he hired the Tyhrranoids." Ratchet noted. "Let's ask them." He decided.

"Uh, bad idea Ratchet." Qwark muttered to Ratchet.

"Excuse me! Are you guys familiar with Dr. Nefarious?" Ratchet called.

The Soldiers all looked at Ratchet confused. "Looks like the Couslands have some pets. Think Howe will give us some points for their pelts. ATTACK!" They all charged at Ratchet.

"You know I don't think they know Nefarious." Qwark said. 

"RUN!" Ratchet yelled. But then he remembered as he stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh wait. We have weapons." He took out his Tempest and Qwark took out his blaster. Ratchet charged up the Tempest and shot at the Howe Soldiers killing them at once.

"Well, sure. Do it so simple." Qwark commented.

Ratchet ignored the comment and turned to the knife eared people. "Are you guys okay?" He asked.

"We're fine." One of them said. "You have to help us. We're in danger!"

"What seems to be the problem, citizens?" Qwark asked acting like a big shot hero.

"Citizens? We're nothing but Elves. Servants." One of the Knife Eared Residents informed.

"Who cares? Now what's going on here?" Ratchet asked not caring of their social status.

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