Chapter 4: The Kocari Wilds.

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"And so... inside of the swamp infested, frigid wilds. Captain Qwark journeyed to find some random Darkspawn who happened to be carrying vials of their own blood for some bizarre reason." Qwark narrated. "In a nature infested world. That was infested with... nature for some reason-"

"Stop with the narration and focus on the mission!" Ratchet interrupted.

"And you wonder why you're not a super hero, Ratchet." Qwark shook his head. "You don't even do your own narration. No wonder you don't have a Vid Comic." He turned to Allister. "I have 5. Well 4 in the series, the 5th was never officially released." He explained.

"Vid Comic?" Alistair asked.

"It's a long story." Ratchet answered.

"Gah! Nature is attacking!" Qwark exclaimed. He ran away from some Wolves that were coming right at him.

Ratchet took out his Tempest and shot them all dead. "And this is why I prefer Clank." He said to himself. The Wolves all made howling sounds. "Figures that the grunts go first." 

"What was that?" Alistair asked.

"Nothing." Ratchet answered. "It's usually for me and Qwark that whenever we do something that involves these types of adventures. There's a certain rhythm to how it all goes. We start off with some grunt type of enemies, then they get into the more difficult enemies. It's just one of those things." 

"I wonder how that works." Alistair thought to himself.

They continued on when they saw an injured party and one dying soldier. "Who... is that? Grey... Wardens." The Soldier asked while crawling on the ground. 

"Well. He's not half as dead as he looks, is he?" Allister asked Talia.

"My Scouting Party was attacked by Darkspawn. Then we were attacked again by some kind of creatures. These second creatures weren't Darkspawn. Or they could've been. I don't know." The Soldier informed.

"Something else?" Talia asked. "What else is lurking in these Wilds?"

"They came out of the ground." The Soldier continued. "Please, help me! I've got to return to camp." 

"Let's try to bandage him up at least." Talia suggested.

Alistair was on cue. "I have bandages in my pack." He then proceeded to bandage up the young Soldier.

The Soldier stood up. "Thank you!" He groaned. "I've got to get out of here!" He then proceeded to limp back to camp. 

"Well hopefully he can make it back just fine." Ratchet commented. 

"Did you hear that? An entire patrol of seasoned men killed by Darkspawn and some other Creatures!" Jory asked everyone. 

"Calm down, Ser Jory. We'll be fine as long as we're careful." Alistair assured.

"Those soldiers were careful, and they were still overwhelmed. How many darkspawn can the four of us slay? A dozen? A hundred? There's an entire army in these forests!" Jory protested. 

"Oh, I get it. He's all talk and no action." Ratchet realized.

"What are you saying, Lombax?" Jory asked.

"Come on. You know how many Bad Guys that have tried to kill me? Thousands. You say you're a knight but you get scared of some Darkspawn." Ratchet answered.

"I'm not scarred." Jory countered. 

"Sure you are." Ratchet replied. "Right Qwark?" He turned to see Qwark sucking his thumb and holding a blanket. 

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