Chapter 14: Dreamland.

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"Jak? Jak?! Jak! JAK!" The image of Daxter was now coming into focus as Jak opened his eyes. 

"Daxter?" Jak asked. He started to get up. 

"Oof. You're finally awake. Thought you were down for the count for a minute there, buddy." Daxx said. 

Jak looked around him. The whole area was hazy, foggy. The sky above them was a greenish color. "Where the heck are we?" He asked knowing it wasn't another one of Daxter's drinks at the Naughty Ottsel. 

"I don't know, Jak. But it doesn't look good." Daxx answered. "Last thing I remember was getting handled by that demon guy and in the next moment. Then I wake up here and find you taking a dirt nap. Not that there's anything wrong with dirt napping. I mean, I fall asleep all the time on your shoulder pad you got right there."  

"What happened to the tower?" Jak noticed the ruins around him. "Add that to the list of things that don't make sense." 

"Who knows, Jak? Right now, we gotta find out where we are." Daxx replied. 

Jak took out his Morph gun. "I'm with you on that one, Daxx. And we gotta find our friends too." 

Both Jak and Daxter then saw the entrance to the Ruined Tower. "Hey, Jak? Do you remember anything before we got here?" Daxx asked. 

"Yeah." Jak remembered that one Monster they ran into that made Jak and his friends fall asleep. "That thing made us go to sleep." 

"So... are we asleep right now and this is dream world?" Daxter asked. 

"Possibly. But this feels... different." Jak replied. 

"Okay, Jak. Pinch my tail." Daxx told him. 

"What?" Jak asked confused. 

"You normally have to pinch someone to make em wake up. So pinch me, Jak!" Daxx commanded. 

Jak pinched Daxter's tail and Daxter shrieked up. "Yowch!" But Daxx didn't wake up.  

"I think we're going to need something stronger than a pinch, Daxx." Jak suggested. He then heard some shouting that was going on up ahead. 

"You offer compliancy, not peace." The Voice of Talia accused.  

"That sounded like Talia." Daxter noted. 

Jak nodded his head. They both charged ahead. 

"It seems only war and death will satisfy you. So be it! Have your war and your Darkspawn! May they be your Doom!" Another voice yelled. The voice belonging to Duncan. Or at least a fake version of him. 

"Talia!" Jak yelled. 

Talia raised her sword. She turned to see Jak though. "Jak? Daxter?" She asked. 

"Get down!" Jak shot a rocket of his Super Nova. The Rocket dropped on the ground causing a flash of light and decimating all of the surrounding enemy. The only ones left standing after the flash had subsided were Talia, Jak, and Daxter. 

"You okay?" Jak asked. 

"Yeah. Maybe you should use that weapon more often." Talia answered noticing the Super Nova.

"Not really my main gun. Besides. I only got a few shots in it." Jak replied. But that was when he noticed there was something in Talia. A sign of sadness. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." Talia answered. "It's just... I thought that was Duncan I saw. The guy that helped me escape from Highever when Howe betrayed my Father." 

"That was the guy?" Daxx asked. "Well, that complicates things." 

Ratchet and Jak (Dragon Age Origins) Crossover.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum