Business is business

681 31 14


[ Word count : 857 ]



"What the heck are you doing Dream? Didn't you declare that the SMP is in neutral or did you already forgot about it then?" Fundy demand first as soon as he saw that familiar green hoodie facing them back.

He, Tubbo and Nikki are about to give their report but then they saw this. On each end, Dream and Schlatt at the long table are discussing something important before they interrupted them.

"Hmm?" Dream hummed as he turn back to look at the group of people behind him. Tilting his head to the side, making the crudely drawn smiley face on his mask that he wear everyday gave an shivering sight. "What do you mean? I'm- we are still neutral and this-" he gestures the papers spread out the table with Schlatt sitting at the end looking so smug. "Are business involving the SMP and L'manberg, so it's my right that I'm supposed to be here, no?" His one hand had gone to his hips as he cocked it a little on the sidewards and one just dangling there with two or more papers in clutch.

That didn't made the group drop their suspicion but it gave them relief when Dream didn't break the rule or promise between them. Not like they didn't break the very rules of the server but oh well- it's all in the past and there's nothing they can do to reversed it.

Tensing up when they heard Schlatt scoff but they remain still.

"I've been telling you that it's Manberg now"

"Not it is not, you just said to expand the country Schlatt, expand, not change it's name" Dream let out an audible sigh and turn back to face the ram at the other side of the table. He did not even spared the group a glance and just stared directly at the new president of this country. "There's the difference, I'm still the owner of the Server, so you still need to discuss that to me and then you can change it"

He knows that the L'manbergian's sagged in relief when he said that and he can't help but roll his eyes.

Do they think that he's doing this for them?

As if there's a chance for it to happened.

Schlatt barked out a laughter at this and shakes his head. "Still stubborn as ever Admin, can't say I didn't expect this but that would be a lie" His red eyes gleaming in amusement as he watch them all squirm and holding back to attack him. But there's still a discussion they need to take so he reluctantly go back to it. "So it's a 100 each side right?"

Dream stiffle a laugh at that. "Just because you are a president of this country doesn't mean you can do everything you like, it's still mine after all" His hidden eyes are now gleaming in challenge. Forgetting the audience they had, he tried to offer another option. "That's too far. 20?"

"75?" He said again, now leaning forward and hards folding under his chin as he look directly at the beady eyes of the mask. "I'll pay 10% higher than the original price"

Dream thinks about it for a second, he nearly agreed but he won't be defeated that easily until he was satisfied. "Tempting but not enough. I'd say 40"

'It's not enough' Schlatt thought. So he did it again."55?" He offers. That made the other still - bullseye but still not thoroughly capturing him - so he adds another offer. "With a little interest"

This made Dream perk up hearing it. Now sitting on that the table, one arm on it for balance so he can lean forward. "Oh~?" His other unoccupied arm move to his face to only move his mask a little so only his one eye can be seen. "What interest?"

Schlatt smirks at this before he pulled out a very old but not worn book. "This interest, with the 10% price up"

"You've got yourself a deal, Mr. President" Dream put out his hands for a handshake. "The price should be a stack and a half of diamonds, stack of emeralds and 30 Netherites"

"Good" Schlatt takes the hand and shakes it for their deal to be sealed. "Pleasure doing business with you dear admin"

Dream nod at this. He got up, the old and worn book now in his inventory. Turning back to see the confused stares of the forgotten trio. "Oh, you three are still here? No matter, expect a line of obsidians for the outline tomorrow. I'll be waiting at the gate for the payment in 8 " He then waves his hand before vanishing like he's not even there in the first place.

Schlatt's now laughing maniacally at the suprised expressions on his subordinates faces.

"What just happened?" Our local beeboy in his tuxedo muttered.

"An expansion for our country just happened, Tubbo"

"How- it's really that easy!? We fought a war for our independence!" Fundy really can't believe this nor does the two besides him.

"Politics, furry, politics. The very thing that the former president didn't think off before building this"


Au: If Dream didn't help Pogtopia and stayed neutral.

But it's not breaking the rule if there's a business not involving the fights right?

[ A/N : Don't mind me here early readers, just editing some mistakes hehehe (๑•﹏•) ]


A/N: Ohh~ dang I thought I'll get another month to upload but I guess not.

Oh well..

𝓐𝓒𝓘 out!

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