Why you should never leave the voices unsupervised

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Title: Why you should never leave the voices unsupervised

Just putting that there if it needs to be swipe sideways to read the whole title up above. If not then, I'll just leave this here.

A/N: I'm back Guys!! Sorry for the waiting, I had my second vaccine shot on 11 and exams so sorry for not uploading.

And also, all of my one shot doesn't have any planned plot and just go with the flow mode.


[ Word count : 1968 ]


[ First Person's POV : Dream ]

Dark. That's the first thing I thought as I look around this place I'm in.

' I'm not here again am I? '

Nononono- this is just a joke right? Right?

Please tell me this is not real? Please!? D-dad no!

I'm a what now!?

You promised me! Don't break it now please...

What promise?

Don't leave me like they all did...

I was about to open my mouth when a light hit my face like a bitch and forced them to open.

This damn dream kept repeating, I don't even remember this happened to me. So why now?

Forcing myself to get up of my comfort is a bad decision as a rush of headache attack me. "Shit!" I cussed, this is really a bitch everytime I wake up and it's really in the middle of the war we're having here.

"You okay there Dream?" A voice not that far from me spoke, Sapnap.

"Don't worry about me, just another headache nothing serious" I answer him. He knew about this but refrained himself from asking me questions and I'm really grateful for that.

"Another one? Damn- the pill is on the nightstand" Then I hear footsteps getting softer and softer until there's no more. I let out a groan as I blearily stare at the table that we call nightstand and starts to tap the surface to find that familiar bumpiness of that tablet cause I can't see shit underneath the blurriness of my eyesight. A sigh escaped my mouth as soon as I feel the familiar bumpiness of the tablet, eagerly to get my headache to subside I tore it open and pop one in my mouth and stupidly tries to swallow it without water that I immediately regret doing so as I cough uncontrollably.

"Shit!" I cursed and frantically reached out to the glass of water that's so far away from my reach. "FUCKING- *cough* hell" I stand up and walk to it with wobbly legs, once I got it I drank each and every drop like a madman just to get this damn pill that is stuck to my throat and clung there like a koala. A relief course through my being when I feel the itching fading out. "Finally" Without the cough finally out of my senses, I walk to the bathroom to shower, I need all of those cool water on my skin to wake me up and let the remaining headache to vanish.

Longer than I would use, I got out and quickly throw on a clothes, my usual one and can't go out without my classic mask on my face. I felt my confidence and self-esteem goes up as soon as the clasp of the ceramic mask is secured, covering my face from the whole world.

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