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{ Word count : 2642 }


It's rapunzel time bitches!


A man in a green cloak, walking under the moonlight, inside a forest that no one ever knew.

He walks and explore new places around that forest for a long time now, white with a green highlights tucked wings behind his back, making him more godly but what if he is one?. Animals following him, it can be a parrots to bears, it would followed him every time he walks around the forest.

Today was a strange day for him, he found a seed, a color green seed, floating above the ground, beautiful spring flowers surrounding it. At first, he would just observe the strange seed and leave it be then go back to observe it more.

He did this for a few weeks, then one day he take it gently and carefully plant it somewhere more open and not cramped like this area.

After a while of planting the seed, he saw a scroll floating gently above where he planted the seed. He cautiously pick it up and opened it, he saw some weird language written down in it and can't decipher if it's a code or an incantations.

He got back to his house and read some books to find something that could help him understand what's written in that scroll. It took him hours of researching and reading books, he felt like to finally gave up and then a book magically fall down to his head and onto the floor. He grunted and rubbed the sore spot on his head and look at what the cause of it, it's a book that he hasn't seen before, he picked it up from the ground and skimmed through each chapter, every word he read made him smile, it's the same language as the scroll have.

The Enchanted Table Language, what a weird name for it but he didn't care, as long as he could know what's written in that scroll then he will roll with it. This took him a whole day to master the Language, by the time he finished the sun start to set and he will just do it tomorrow to read that scroll and sleep peacefully.


The Sun rises and the man woken up, he did his morning routine and got back to the place where he planted the seed with the scroll on his hand.

He saw the place and stand 4 blocks away from it, sat down and open the scroll. He breath in and out, readying himself as he start to read the words written on the scroll.

From deep below the ground,
A new life will grow,
Taking care of it will never be easy,
But the happiness it would give is a gift to claim.

He finished saying it and glanced at the spot, where the seed planted, and saw a newly blooming sprout. Though it didn't stop there, every minute it would give a gentle light, as it grow and grow. He only watch in amazement as the plant grows, as tall as 25 blocks high, as soon as it reaches the high, the new tree give a blinding light, acting on instincts, he shields his eyes and he felt a little light headed at this, he tried to fight it off but gives in as it goes stronger, then he dozed off to sleep.


He doesn't know how long he slept in, but he felt like going to sleep after experiencing this...

At first he woke up, there's a beautiful world, trees and flowers growing healthy, animals are living peacefully. He explored the place, getting a bit more familiar and at the end of the day he saw the tree, sitting there at the hidden part of  the world - The End - standing tall and strong. He made his way to it and placed a hand, letting out a smile as he saw it gives a gentle breeze for a couple of seconds. He lay down at the soft grass underneath the massive tree, leaning at the roots of it and sleep through the night

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