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Toga felt amazing.

She felt content.

She felt loved.

Ever since moving in with Vlad and his family, she wasn't ever hungry for food or thirsty for blood.

She was doted on by Mana and Midnight--the latter visited nearly every day. Mana always made sure the teen was comfortable and Midnight was the first to jump in excitement when Toga mentioned something fashionable or fun.

Quickly, Toga found herself growing attached to the two women. They were like the mothers she never had.

Her biological mother...

Toga shuddered, remembering what that woman did to her.

Ever since moving in, she didn't have to worry about hurting someone or being hurt. She was safe when around these people and safe within these walls.

Even with the League, there were high tensions everywhere--no one know who would get captured or killed next. No one knew who would be a traitor. No one knew anything solid about their future. And it was downright frightening.

Being with Mana and Vlad, Toga felt what it really meant to live. And now...

She doesn't ever want to go back to how it was before.

Hopefully, Mana, Vlad, and Midnight would keep her...

But as a villain, Toga also learned that life was often too good to be true. Knowing this, she kept herself slightly distanced from the family. She didn't want to be completely shattered by sadness when they decided to throw her to the wolves outside.

But she decided to bask in the love she felt radiating from the family until then.

Her stomach growled.

Slowly she groaned and slid off her bed. She passed her Vlad King and Midnight Hero Merch to make her way to the door. On her way to slink to the kitchen, in search for sustenance.

Mana, who was laying sprawled out on the couch, drinking a juice box, smiled at Toga and happily waved to greet the teen.

Toga had slept in, so this was the first time they saw each other today.

As Toga ventured further into the kitchen, Mana turned her gaze back to the television to finish her show. After seeing the news last night, she was still a bit shaken from all the distruction.

Once Toga made it to the pantry, she saw Vlad opening a box.

"Oh, hey Toga!" He greeted, looking up. "This is from the support course, they finished the bracelets. The class made some of every color so you would have options too. That way you don't have to take the suppressants..."

Toga nodded, before turning back to the pantry. She gazed inside before deciding to haul out a bag of chips. She closed the pantry door by bumping it with her hips, as she used her hands to tear open the bag and begin eating.

Vlad laughed at seeing Toga pack down the whole bag.

He finally pulled open the box and insides lay a colorful array of bracelets. Some had jewels and charms, others were simply singular colors. Some had stripes or dots. Overall, there was plenty for one person.

"Wanna check them out?" Vlad asked, he moved the box closer to Toga for good measure.

She nodded again, mid crunch. Looking inside, her eyes lit up.

There were so many! And in so many colors too!

Toga had never dreamed of having so many bracelets. At this point, it didn't matter if these helped with her quirk or not, she loved them!

Smiling her toothy grin she put the chips aside to shuffle through the box.

"They said you can wear as many as you want too. 'No matter if you wear five or fifteen, the results won't hurt you in any way. All that will happen, is it will supress the drawbacks of your quirk.' Wow, Power Loader sure thought of everything, didn't he?" Vlad began to laugh as he read the note that came with the bracelets.

Essentially, the only thing to watch was if Toga felt tired after putting the bracelet on for the first time. But after a few days she should be back to normal. Her body simply had to adjust to the new jewelry.

Vlad turned to Toga, seeing her face light up in a gigantic smile as she bounced up and down, masses of bracelets piled on her wrists.

He couldn't hold back his smile either. He watched as she did a little dance before snatching the bag of chips again. Then she continued to munch on them.

"I also...I want to ask you something. And like the other time I asked you something, you can think about it for as long as you want. I'm not forcing you and I don't want you to feel forced." Toga rolled her eyes playfully at Vlad's small speech. She tapped her foot three times on the ground to signal him to hurry up. He simply laughed at her antics. "Okay, okay! Here's the question: do you want to permanently be a part of our family?"

He smiled calmly at her. But he jumped slightly  when she let out a loud gasp and dropped her bag of chips on the floor.

The opened bag caused the crunchy goodness flung themselves all around the floor.

"Noooooooo!! I dropped my chips!" She whined.

Dead Boys' Dream Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora