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Mange never had a proper funeral. Instead, she was buried at the edge of town, near a forest.

Toga was always upset when she went to visit Mange. It felt like the older woman wasn't respected enough. She didn't have a proper grave, the flowers Toga laid at the rock were always wilted, and not everyone in the League regarded her death.

Even as a villain, it's hard to wrap their minds around their family members dying.

Toga remembers watching Mange tend to the flowers in her room. Mange always wanted an outdoor garden, but being a criminal--a villain--she was unable to do so.

But Toga disregarded the idea of being caught. She wanted to make Mange's dreams happen, even though the possibility of being caught was present.

All the flowers Toga gave to Mange's grave were from the makeshift garden Toga started.

But it didn't feel like enough.

Toga slowly made her away across a few more streets and towards her friend's grave.

Suddenly, a snapping of twigs from behind her, makes her jump. Her stride ruined and resolve wanning, she clutches the Lilies close to her chest.

She hears a low mumbling before she turns around.

Her eyes are blown wide as she makes contact with Snipe, who is putting his gun in his holster.

He then put his polishing rag in his back pocket. He moved forward, towards the teenager.

Toga gulped, she was vulnerable and surprised. She didn't expect this today. Her breathing quickened as she looked for an exit only to find more heros.

Her hands started shaking, which rattled the lilies.

Some of the petals fell to the ground.

Midnight was to her left, shifting her weight between her feet. "Hey, kiddo." She said softly, noticing the teen's fright. They didn't intend to scare the younger kid, but they knew it would take more than one person to take down someone with a powerful quirk, fast reflexes, and great agility.

It was honestly a surprise she was ranked so low.


Toga heard a crunch from behind her.

She flipped her head to see a bashful Cementos.

Only one direction I can leave now.

She spun around back to the direction of Mange's grave only to inhale sharply.

Standing in front of her was Detective Tsukauchi. 

He wasn't a hero, but he was well known to villains. It was said once Tsukauchi saw you, you'd be captured within the next couple of months or less.

He wasn't a scary man, but when he laid eyes on you, it was as if his analytical brain would go onto overdrive.

All his moves were calculated.

His gaze was kind yet sharp.

Toga dropped the flowers and whimpered.

Her bloodlust had been subdued because she woke up early to go to her reserve stash and drink a packet of animal blood.

When she went to Mange's grave, she preferred to be in a decent state of mind.

Her quirk didn't work with animal blood.

Her villain mindset was subdued.

Her bloodlust had vanished.

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