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Vlad knocked on Toga's door, blood bag an quirk-supressing pills in hand. He heard a shuffling from the opposite side of the door before he was let inside by the blonde teenager.

She smiled with her signature, yet completely sane, toothy grin. She had been a lot happier with Vlad and his wife as well as visitation from Midnight. She felt more herself, for the first time in forever.

Vlad smiled back at her, handing her the blood pack. She snatched it and jumped to her bed where she landed on her rump, bouncing.

The blood intake could not be compromised--her overall health depended on the intake of blood outside of the transformation.

When her quirk developed at age four, her body slowed down the differentiation of her own body's blood cells. This meant she had to drink her own blood type to ensure she didn't become iron deficient. When she was unable to recieve the amount of blood necessary for her body to function comfortably, her quirk drawbacks set in, forcing her to experience bloodlust.

But now the suppressants cancel out the impulsive drawbacks and the blood maintains her vitals.

Vlad slowly sits down next to her on the bed. She was in a pink tank top with a pair of black short shorts on. Overall it was a comfortable look. After they went shopping, Toga had been surprised that Vlad let her pick out any clothes she had wanted.

He even went so far as to motion Midnight to stay back and secretly buy the clothes Toga seemed interested in yet didn't pick up.

Back in her old house, Toga was told that she had to wear baggy clothes or clothes that didn't have holes or show her middrift. By the time she was in middle school, her birth parents had ensured she only wore what they approved of. But Vlad let her get any clothing she wanted.

Upon asking him about it, he just shrugged. "You wear whatever you're comfortable in. It's your choice for clothing, not mine or anyone elses."

Toga had been shocked. Especially when she heard Midnight talking to Vlad later that day at the food court. "You're right, she can wear anything she pleases but if anyone looks at her the wrong way, let me beat them up."

After the whole shopping center episode, Vlad's wife, Mana, insisted that Toga preform a fashion show. Midnight and Mana both sat on the couch as hype-women and oddly enough Vlad also gave input on possible necklaces that would tie the outfits together. He also ordered them online via his laptop later that night.

Mana and Vlad had always wanted a child, however Mana was unfurtile. Therefore, it was easy to take a kind kid such as Toga, as their own kin and dote on her exponentially. 

"I have the suppressant pill and a water bottle if you want to take them in the middle of the packet or after you finish. It's up to you." He gently says.

Toga nods, sucking on the straw of the blood pouch. She would've smiled but that's hard to do when you're sipping a drink.

"While you're drinking that, Nezu sent me some options to talk about."

Toga turned on her bed to angle herself to see Vlad better. Her attention had spiked.

"He said that since suppressants aren't healthy for long term usage, that the support course could make a device that helps reduce bloodlust yet allow you to still use your quirk--the bracelet Powerloader is working on." He put the pill and water bottle on Toga's bedside table, next to her clock. He then leaned back on the headboard and folded his hands.

Toga squinted before nodding, contemplating the words.

"They also said..." Vlad waited for Toga to look in his eyes. "That if you don't want to use your quirk ever again or experience the drawbacks that come with Transform, then they have one more Quirk-Erasing bullet that they can change into a smaller dose for you. That one is only if you feel like getting rid of your quirk is the option you want."

Toga bobbed her head, looking at Vlad with tired, squinted eyes as she finished her blood packet. Slowly the removed the straw from her lips and licked the extra blood off.

She clears her throat before talking. "I have options?"

Vlad was in shock before he pulled himself together slightly better. "Of course you have options. And these aren't the only three either. They are simply the three that are available at the moment--Nezu and a group of Quirk Specialists are analyzing information on your quirk to help you. But in the meantime, if you want we can get a bracelet or earrings to pause your quirk's bloodlust, stay on the suppressants, or if you really want you can get rid of your quirk all together. It's up to you. I know this is a lot at one time. I'll let you think on it and update you on the possible ways to help as I'm informed." Vlad slowly got up and smiled.

Toga grinned up at Vlad. She admits when she was first told to follow him, she was suspicious, but overall he was a pretty cool guy.

She felt safe to make her own decision.

"Remember, just do what makes you comfortable." He slowly walks towards the door, before turning around to his self-proclaimed daughter. "I'm loving the room decor."

As he closed the door, Toga began blushing in embarrassment. She had asked Mana to grab Midnight and Vlad King posters to put on her walls as well as a couple of figurines.

But she didn't expect the embarrassment of her hero seeing her with his merchandise.

She fell backward on her comfy bed, hiding her face in her hands.

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