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Nezu and Hound-Dog were sitting with Class 1A as they watched the news. The press had caught wind of the Hero's movements and eventually were able to scout out the mission. However their timing was delayed and they only managed to start broadcasting the event a minute or so before the building began slowly crumbling.

Kirishima and Sero were biting their nails from where they sat, anxiously waiting for a visual on their classmates.

"--heros are currently undergoing a mission to extract as many villains from their warehouse as possible."

Tsu was grabbing onto Mina, as she usually does when she becomes nervous. Momo, who sat relatively close to the two teens, was braiding Uraraka's hair in an attempt to soothe the shaking girl.

Ojiro was currently in the kitchen with Shoji, reheating the pizza HoundDog had ordered earlier that night. Shoji was supervising the fidgety teen.

Nezu had been put in charge of "making sure the brats don't kill each other" while their homeroom teacher was gone.

Hound-Dog had been put in charge of "making sure the rat doesn't kill any of my students or start a lesson on world domination."

So far no lessons had been actively attempted, however offganded comments about world domination had slipped through Nezu's maw.

To which Hound-Dog would always roll his eyes or occasionally glare at the principle. Depends on what the comment entailed.

Bakugo was seemingly fuming from his view in the corner, although in reality he was just as nervous. The building is becoming less stable, why aren't they leaving, dangit.

"--oh my goodness!" The news reporter squealed at the sudden blast coming from inside the warehouse. "The heros are beginning to come out of the warehouse. Let's see who was battling inside, shall we?"

The cameraman pans over to get a better view of the collapsing building and zooms in. A slightly scratched up Nighteye left the building first, pulling out what seemed to be a screaming toddler.

But alas, it was simply Monoma.

Kaminari was next to leave the warehouse, followed closely by Jiro who was clutching at her ears. The mass amount of noise had finally began to form a migraine in her temples and made her ears pound.

The hero costume of Hagakure was next to exit the building, but she was being gently guided by Fatgum, who was talking to her with a slight smile.

Fatgum usually smiled, but he seemed slightly downtrodden at the moment.

Class 1A let out breaths of relief as they saw three of their classmates. But Bakugo, Aoyama and Momo tensed. Iida scanned the screen from his seat beside the couch intently. He pushed his glasses further on his face as if it would cause his vision to zoom closer on his classmates.

"--gum and some--is that UA!?--students--"

Fatgum and Nighteye led the small group across the street and towards the ambulances.

Nezu looked at the screen in rapt attention, his brain over-analyzing the situation so much, he was starting to overtime tremendously.

The cameraman shook as another blast sounded from inside the base. He twisted his camera to get a better look. Present Mic was exiting the building, one hand on  Hiryu's back as he gently nudged the scratched up teen to safety. The ambulances would treat the hero's slightly hidden yet bleeding arm.

Snipe and Ectoplasm were then seen walking briskly out of the building. Snipe had little to no injuries. But Ectoplasm had a slightly bloodied cheek from a cut he had gotten when Twice threw a stray knife at him. His leg was also bleeding from another stray knife embedding itself into his leg. He had yet to take it out--opting to wait for a medical professional. Since his pain tolerance was high and he was high on adrenaline, he could barely feel the small puncture.

But he still let Snipe aid him on his journey to an ambulance.

Suddenly, All Might--in his skinny form--ran into the building.

Nezu sucked in a breath. That was not part of the plan, Toshinori. What on earth are you all doing?

From the corner of the camera lens, Nezu could see the truck All Might had hopped out of. It was Tsukauchi's work van--meaning it was where the detective, All Might and a few other police officers were stationed to inform heros of new information, and work the comms.

Nezu saw Tsukauchi's head pop out from the open door of the van before he rolled his eyes and presumed to slam it shut.

That means that the threat has been neutralized--?

"Ok, we have been informed that the threat has been delt with, a few villains are being taken into custody via the back exit of the warehouse. Currently, three heros are still inside the building, dealing with the final villain. These three heros include All Might and UA's Midnight and Eraserhead--"

Suddenly a final loud boom erupted from inside the building before the roof visibly caved in.

"NO!" Shouted Bakugo, shooting forward from his spot in the corner and practically catapulting himself closer to the television.

The screams were deafening as the building folded like a card tower in the wind. Uraraka and Mina screamed while Momo gasped loudly.

Iida was standing up, surprise written on his face.

Shoji, Koda, Mineta, and Sero were sitting in shock, eyes blown wide.

Tsu began sobbing, and Kirishima walked over from his seat on the couch to comfort her. Aoyama turned to Sero, tears in his eyes, to which Sero shook his head and put his arms out for a hug. Ojiro also joined in on the hug.

A mass of dust covered the screen, causing the camera to be out of commission. Coughs and screams were heard from every angle. The yelling of authority voices were also prominent, yet drowned out by everything else.

Tokoyami, who was located behind the couch with Dark Shadow looming over his shoulder, had his beak hanging open. He didn't attempt to say his catchphrase.

"No." Todoroki whispered. He had his hand covering his mouth, eyes wide on the screen. The expression was littered on his face, unfamiliar to everyone who only knew him as stoic. "No, no, no..." he began  whispering under his breath. He slowly, lowered to the floor, ears covered by his hands as he tried to reign in his emotions.

Tokoyami sat next to him, rubbing the teen's back in a sad attempt at comfort.

"Ah! The dust is finally leaving, wait--who are they?"

Slowly the dust settled. From amist the clouded area, three figures rose.

The camera ungraciously angled itself to capture the three figures as they moved closer.

The tallest, middle body was of All Might. The one on his left was Eraserhead and Midnight was on his right. The retired hero practically carried the other two injured heros until he collapsed. His muscles were straining and everyone was covered in dust. He was coughing so much, his lung felt like it was about to burst.

Heros and paramedics began running towards the three fallen heros.

Nezu analyzed the scene. HoundDog was holding his snout in his hand.

Bakugo was screaming incoherently, as Iida half-heartedly bashed the blonde.

Urakraka sniffed. "Did anyone see Deku?"

The class was silent, thinking in their brain if they ever saw the teen leave the building.

"Shinso Hitoshi was not spotted leaving the building either." Nezu added.

Kirishima, Sero, Momo, and Koda snapped their heads towards the unassuming principle.

"Unmanly commentary." Whispered Kirishima as he rubs Tsu's back.

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