Chapter Fifty-Four: Earwen's First Flight pt. 1

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Earwen inched forward in the black. A speck of light floated far ahead of her. She felt her heart jump against her ribs as she stumbled over a rock. Tint chittered in her ear, clinging to the fabric of her shirt. Where on earth was Feredir?

She ran her hand along the wall of the tunnel. The rock was smooth and cold underneath her fingertips. She locked her eyes on the light ahead, and to her relief, it began to widen. She was so focused on her goal she had to cut off the scream that formed on her lips as Feredir, just inside the tunnel opening, stopped her from entering the cavern.

"You nearly scared me to death," she snarled through his fingers, which covered her mouth to muffle her scream.

He gave an unapologetic wink. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the open cavern. What she saw she could not have imagined even in her wildest dreams.

Circling much like the birds in the aviary were hundreds of gryphons. They perched on rocky outcroppings in huge nests. Baby gryphons wrestled together, making sounds that seemed to be a combination of growling and chirping.

"Quite the sight, isn't it?" Feredir said, following her gaze.

"It's incredible," she breathed.

"Mine's up there. Would you like to meet her?"

He held out his hand. She gulped and took it. They stepped into the light, and the din rose to a crescendo of roaring and chattering. Feredir whistled loudly, and out of the swirling mass of mingling creatures came a beautiful rowan-colored gryphon with a black beak and feet. It landed with a burst of wind, brushing Earwen's hair back. She had never been so afraid and so in awe as she stared into the animal's red eyes.

"Earwen, meet Hinnorn."

The great animal clacked her beak together, turning her head from side to side. Feredir placed a hand at the small of the elf princess's back, pushing her forward.

"Don't worry; she only bites people if she doesn't like them."

"And how will I know if she likes me?" Earwen said nervously.

"If she doesn't bite you," Feredir said with a laugh, pushing her again. She glanced over her shoulder to glare at him, only to turn back and see nothing but the creature's penetrating scarlet gaze. She held back a gasp of fear.

The gryphon stared into her eyes. Her eyelids did not blink, and Earwen felt what Amara had spoken of when meeting Kai. She felt the animal search her soul for any impurity, for any selfish thought, for any deep, hidden secret. To judge her worthy. Earwen also saw into Hinnorn's soul. She could feel the gentle love Hinnorn had for Feredir and the fierceness with which she would protect him and all whom he loved.

The eyelids blinked, and the moment passed.

"She likes you," Feredir declared.

Earwen smiled and tentatively reached out a hand. Hinnorn leaned forward, allowing the elf princess to rest her hand on her beak. She made a noise that sounded like purring deep in her throat. Feredir clapped his hands together.

"Well, since she didn't bite your hand off, let's fly."

Earwen chuckled and turned to find Feredir holding a saddle. He brushed by her and tossed it up onto Hinnorn's back. She seemed to grumble. Feredir scratched the animal behind her great feathery ear.

"Sorry, but we have a new rider. Don't wanna risk her falling off." He looked over his shoulder at the elf princess. His eyes laughed at her.

"If you keep trying to scare me, I may begin to think you don't intend to take me flying at all," she teased back.

Feredir buckled the last strap and jumped onto the great animal's back. "Are you ready?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Earwen looked up at him. "I was born ready."

He beamed and held out his hand. She took it and swung up behind him. Before she had a chance to hold on, the young blacksmith cried out, and Hinnorn lunged forward, lumbering down another dark tunnel. Light came quickly, and Earwen felt the adrenaline flood her veins. They reached the end of the tunnel. Clouds flashed by as they shot straight into the heavens. Wind whistled in her ears and hair. Everything was white, and then the sun blinding and triumphant. Never had the sky been so blue, the air so crisp. They went down into the clouds once again, and her hair dampened with their mist. They were floating. Weightless. Hinnorn turned into a corkscrew dive, and a scream of fear and delight left Earwen's lips as she clung to Feredir.

This was the feeling Earwen had been chasing her whole life. This was freedom.

They leveled out. She took in the mountains of clouds, the city like a tiny speck, insignificant to the world above. She threw her arms out as if she were the one flying and hollered her exaltation.

Feredir laughed, and Hinnorn clacked her beak. "Hold on!"

Earwen wrapped her arms around the sturdy blacksmith and down they dove, straight for the earth, until she was sure they would crash. Hinnorn pulled up at the last minute. Earwen leaned over, running her hands over the golden stalks of a field. They startled some deer and chased them through the lapping waves of grass. Then back to the heavens, and the world stood still.

And then it was over. They landed on an outcropping. Feredir dismounted, but Earwen was hesitant, the feeling of complete and utter freedom ebbing.

"Is it always like that?"

The young man looked at her, confused. "What?"


A look of understanding came over his face, and he grinned. "Yes, it's always like that, but once you reach a certain level you like to push the limits."

Earwen looked at him in question. "What do you mean?"

Feredir laughed and looked at Hinnorn. "Should we show her?"

The gryphon bucked under Earwen in excitement.

"All right." Feredir jumped back in front of Earwen, and off they went. Earwen looked to see where they were heading. She could see red rock pillars stretching for the sky. A group of gryphons each with two riders on their backs flew in formation through them. Earwen felt excitement, but she also felt fear. They were heading for the stone forest where the Cadmus Circuits were held—the most dangerous races in Rhovamben.

Thank you so much for reading! <3

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