Chapter Five: A Battle of Wills

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Amara woke with a throbbing headache. She lay on her side, her arms and legs bound so she could not stand. She moaned, trying to think past the painful haze. Where was she? She opened her eyes to see the boots of a man. Looking up, she remembered what happened. Above her stood that dreadful elf soldier who had knocked her out. She glared at him, wishing she could sit up and save some shred of her dignity.

"Well, while you were sleeping, Earwen persuaded me not to kill you." His voice dripped with malice.

"I will be forever grateful for your mercy," Amara said in a crooning tone.

The elf man bent down and snarled into her face. "If you ever pull a trick like that again while I'm in charge, no amount of pleading will save you. Understand?"

Amara gave no sign that she had heard him.

Angered at her complete disregard for his threats, the elf man grabbed her hair, and she fought the urge to cry out.

"Do you understand me?" he yelled in her ear.

Fuming, she looked up at him and grumbled, "I understand." She would have preferred not to reply, but her head was pounding and her scalp burned from the buffoon wrenching on it. He released her and turned away, probably to go bluster at his men.

Amara sighed in relief, glad to be left alone. Now to figure out a new escape plan. She would have to do it without a prisoner this time; she knew if she tried the same tactic again and failed, the elf soldier would be true to his word. He would kill her without a second thought. Her mind raced as she tested her bonds. The ropes were thick and very tight. They had left no room for her to move her wrists or ankles, and her arms were tied behind her back rather than in front.

She struggled, trying to see if she could slip her arms in front of her. She finally relented and lay panting. She knew she could accomplish the task if given enough time. Her stomach grumbled; it felt hollow. She hadn't had a full meal in what seemed to be days, but she doubted they were going to feed her.

Hearing footfalls, she saw the troublesome elf returning. Irritation flared. What could he possibly want now?

"We are moving out."

"And you plan to leave me here to die? How lovely," Amara said with feigned appreciation.

"Oh no. You're coming with us to stand trial in Celeblas. I'm sure once we figure out who you are, the charges will only increase."

"And how are you going to get me there like this?" She nodded at her bound wrists, an eyebrow arched in question. "Are you going to drag me?"

Thorindir smirked. "I would, but again Their Majesties' mercy prevails. You will ride behind me."

Amara gave him a bewildered look, but her eyes soon widened in shock as he bent down and hoisted her over his shoulder like a sack of grain. She shouted and cursed him as he slung her over his horse's back like a deer. Securing her to the horse and laughing heartily at her expense, he mounted his horse and had to shout over the ruckus she made for the company to move out.

Earwen and Eramire remained silent, but their eyes were wide with astonishment at Amara's deranged actions. She didn't stop screaming obscenities at the general until the horses started to run, after which she could barely keep herself conscious from the pounding of the hooves.


Many hours later, when the sun was sinking toward the horizon, Thorindir pulled the company to a halt. Amara groaned faintly as he lifted her from the horse. He dumped her next to a tree and secured her to it. He left her there and began to help set up camp and prepare the evening meal.

Amara watched. She shifted her weight and sucked in her breath in surprise. Her ribs were horribly bruised, if not broken. She leaned her head back against the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes. The sound and smell of cooking meat added to her growing discomfort, reminding her of her very hollow and empty stomach. Soon the company was eating contentedly. She had been forgotten, and she had been right; they were not going to feed her. She tried to empty her mind—tried to feel some sense of peace and drift off to sleep, but she was all too aware of her raw wrists and ankles and bruised ribs. However, years of abuse had hardened her far beyond her time, and her eyes began to drift shut. Sleep was just about to overtake her when the sound of gentle footsteps aroused her from the coming blackness. Her eyes snapped open to see the pretty redheaded elf she had held hostage only that afternoon.

Amara felt her defenses rise against the young woman, but then she noticed she carried a small bowl of food. The girl stopped a few feet away, looking unsure and nervous. Amara stared at the young elf with open hostility.

"I—" Earwen faltered. She swallowed and cleared her throat. "I brought you some food."

"And how do you propose I eat it?" Amara asked, shrugging her shoulders to drive her point home, though she doubted the young elf needed reminding that she was tied to a blasted tree.

Earwen looked at her feet. "I would feed you if you'd let me. You must be very hungry and tired."

Amara was amazed at the princess's kind gesture after what had transpired only hours ago. Shame bubbled within Amara; nonetheless, the young elf's seeming kindness turned to cunning lies in her mind, and she lashed out.

"I told you I would not be pitied, especially by an untried, spoiled princess."

Earwen blinked, looking startled by Amara's reaction. Earwen stepped back, repelled by her fury.

Amara noticed the thin scratch at her throat where she had held the knife, and her shame only increased. The elf girl looked to be her own age; perhaps in another life they might have been friends. But before she could take back her harsh words, the elf princess's own temper flared, and she turned on her heel, calling over her shoulder,

"Fine. Dine on your pride then, and see how well that fills your belly!"


Time passed in delirium for Amara as lack of food and the beatings of the rides increased her pain. She lay slumped again against a tree. Her head lolled to the side in exhaustion. Her mouth was parched and her hunger nearly unbearable, but these things paled in comparison to her ribs. Every breath sent stabbing pains through her chest. Just as she was about to pass out from the pain, a gentle hand brushed her cheek and moved the tangled tendrils of hair away from her face. She resisted the comforting touch.

The elf princess's soft voice broke into her conscious. "Please eat," she pleaded.

Amara felt a spoon at her lips. The smell of stewed meat and vegetables wafted to her nostrils. Too hurt and tired to continue or feel any pride, she grudgingly allowed the young elf girl to feed her. But despite her ravenous hunger, the food still tasted like ash in her mouth.

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