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the letter

Hi Ophelia,

We haven't written letters to each other in a while. The last person who wrote a letter was you. You told me that you were going to prom and that you hated the exams as well, and then you expressed happiness since it was the second last exam day.

I know letters mean a lot to you because you also wrote them to our parents while they were alive. Then you passed the letter tradition onto me.

I never told you how I felt when I got your first letter four years ago.

I was confused. That's it, and a little annoyed maybe. That's exactly how I felt at first, doesn't mean I didn't read it. The only reason I started to enjoy them, even more, was because you used to write down your own poems. I know you've lost interest in them, but that's alright.

I still have the letters you gave me.

Every single one.

I'm never getting rid of them. I'm keeping them forever, they could even end up in a museum when we pass away. It'll represent our friendship turned into love later on.

Happy birthday by the way. You're twenty years old now.

I also know your parents died today, and if you ever need to talk or just cry it out, know I'm here.

I also got you another present. It's five different books and I know you can buy your own, but these are special because I annotated them. Yes, I said I would never annotate books, but I did, for you. They have those colourful sticky tabs and they're similar to yours. I even used the correct colour coding for it.

Red is for things that make me mad, or things that I dislike. Pink is for all of the kisses and romantic moments. Orange is for the important stuff or relatable moments. Yellow is for happy moments. Green is for exquisite vocabulary. Blue is for all of the sad moments or things that made me sad/cry. Dark purple is for all of my favourite moments and quotes. Light purple is for all of the character development.

I wrote little comments next to things I put sticky tabs next to and for things I underlined. You'll also know when I cried, the tears are dried up on the pages. I even drew cute little pictures for you to enjoy. You'll know how I felt once you read them.

This shit took me two years. I wanted to give up halfway through the first book, but I always reminded myself that I'm doing this for you, and that kept me going.

You always ask me why I never say that you're mine. It's because you're not. You're your own person. But I'll always be yours. Forever and always Ophelia.

You were my epiphany.

I will always be here for you sweetheart, always.

The promise ring is there for you to know and remember as well. I will never leave you. I know that's a huge promise, but I intend on keeping it.

I also know that my heart doesn't have a fallback. No plan B or failsafe. It's you or no one else.

And my darling, you will never be unloved by me, you are too well tangled in my soul.

Yours forever,

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