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IT WAS RAINING heavily, and Noah sat in the school library, reading November 9. It was a book by Colleen Hoover. He had seen Ophelia reading it so he decided to as well. It was pretty good so far.

     Someone sits down next to him, and he looks over to see Ophelia. He closes the book and places it in front of him, neatly. "Hey." He whispers.

     Ophelia gave him a weak smile, pushing locks of her blonde hair behind her ear. ". . . Hi."

     Noah stares at her, confused and concerned, "You okay?"

     She shakes her head, she was on the verge of tears, "I just don't like thunder or rain." Her voice cracks and Noah moves into a position where he's holding her close. "I've got you." He breathes out.

     They stayed like that for a bit, "My parents died in a car crash." She quietly speaks up. Noah looks at her, and hugs her a little bit tighter, "You don't have to tell me."

     "I want to. It's not a lot to tell either. They died in a car crash and I was in the backseat. It was my birthday and it was pouring rain horribly. The thunder kept on startling them, and everything was fine until . . . we spun out of control and ended up driving into a tree." She explains as a few tears fall from her cheeks.

     The memory always hurt her. She wished she also left as well. Went with them. Gotten away from here.

     Noah wipes away the tears with the pad of his thumb. "I don't know what to say. I have no idea what you're going through. But I'm here for you. I promise. I'm not going anywhere."

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