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Hello Noah,

It's Monday again.

I think Mondays are your favourite days. They have to be. You have my letters, and I think you like them since it's been two years. I'm surprised you haven't figured out about my who I am. I mean two years is a long time, is it not? But I can wait. I have a lot of patience.

But don't think that I'll be writing to you forever. I mean, it's kind of impossible considering I don't know where you'll be after high school. So, I've kind of been thinking about something for a while. I want you to write back to me. A letter. Now, you obviously don't know me. But I know you.

So, if you go along with this whole letter thing. Then you have until Friday to write me a letter. Give the letter to the Calculus and Vectors teacher—Mr. Samuel. He's an asshole, but don't worry, he'll hear you out. I think. You don't have to do the letter, but it would be nice if you did.

With love,

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