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OPHELIA SAT in the cafeteria, eating the veggie sandwich she made this morning. It was good. She always made her lunch since the cafeteria food was disgusting. Her friends were talking about this guy who they both found cute and were arguing over intensely.

     She ignored their war of words and looked over at the one table she always checked in on. Noah's table. He sat four tables away from them, his head was always stuck in some book. He was eating pasta. He probably brought it from home considering the cafeteria wasn't giving out pasta for lunch.

     He was reading The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. The corner of her lips tipped up into a small smile as her heart swelled. She forcefully kept her fondness for Noah discreet. She recommended that book to him through her most recent letter, and now he's reading it.

     People say people can't be perfect.

     But in her eyes, Noah is perfect.

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