Twenty | Brylan

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'I was looking for...' I try to lie but I trail off when I notice my volleyball bag in his hand. He must've been looking for it for me. 'Urm...I was...'

'It wouldn't be in my room?' He looks at me as if that's what I was going to say. Which in his defense would be weird since I'm never in there so how would I have left it there.

I'm not really sure how to explain that I was actually just curious but I think he gets the hint after a couple seconds. 'Come in.'

Still processing his offer he walks into the room, pressing the door open fully so I'm actually able to see in properly.

Watching him toss my bag onto his bed he sits at his desk before looking at me. I finally enter when I realize that I've been standing there like an idiot but I go to the side of his bed, almost relived to see a beanbag.

I used to sit on the ground when I was younger whilst he would play video games. He would still listen to me partially since he's respond with vague responses from time to time. Now I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia since we're both sitting exactly where we used to sit.

Except this time I don't have anything to say.

'You know this reminds me of when you used to come in here.' He points out making raise my eyebrows. I thought that I was the only one to remember. 'How was your day?'

Leaning his elbow against the arm rest of his chair he rests his head against his fist before looking at me.

'Nothing interesting happened,' I pick up one of the basketballs on the ground. He's got a couple more on hangers across the wall and maybe it's because I don't play but I don't think you need that many basketballs. In retrospect I only have three volleyballs whilst he had six different ones on his wall alone. 'You have a lot of these.'

'Well yeah, I only use two of them to play. The rest are either special editions or signed. Think trophies,' Hearing his chair move I look up to see him heading towards his bed and picking up my bag that he had left there. Confused I realize what he's doing when I see him unzip it.

'What's in here?' He asks sarcastically.

From what I remember it's just filled with vollyball things so he's not going to find much. Seeing him look through it curiously he takes out my uniform shirt before holding it up to me so he can imagine it on me.

'Stop that,' I laugh which he does.

Kind of surprised he listened. I soon realized he wasn't actually listening, when he proceeds to  search the bag before pulling out a silver necklace. It takes me a good second to process what exactly it is but once I realize,I jolt upright. Rushing towards him I need that back from him, preferably in one peice.

All he does is reach his hand up and I'm automatically unable to get it back. Wow, how Clique Damon.

'Wait actually give it.' I beg him before ducking under his arm but he switches it to his other so it's pointless. 'Please.'

'Why is it so important?' He laughs.

I'm not laughing though since it's not very amusing to me. Me and Alex had gotten matching ones when we where younger and they're irreplaceable since we got them from a flee market.

Grabbing his forearm in hopes I can pull his hand down I miss-step and trip backwards. Except instead of falling Damon drops the necklace like it's worth nothing and catches me instead. Frustrated I rip his hands off me before turning around and grabbing the necklace off the floor; thankfully its not broken.

'That wasn't funny.' My tone low tense. Honestly I had forgotten I took it off before practice and was looking for it for hours afterwards. I was genuinely so upset when I thought I had misplaced it. It broke me.

'Why is it important?' He asks again so I turn to look at him. Not that he has any remorse anyways, he just seems curious. Why am I still here.

'It's a matching one...With Alex,' I respond as I shove all my things back into my bag so I can leave. Tossing it over my shoulder I look across his bed to see if I missed anything else.

Waiting for his response, I quickly touch the bedding to see if it's as soft as it looks. Looking over to him I'm surprised to see that he looks both angry and hurt. 'I don't really know why you put so much effort into him. He's obviously not interested in you.'

Gripping the bag strap I feel my stomach drop to the ground but I'm not surprised. Damon was a known asshole and the fact that I even had a thought that he'd be even a little bit nicer to me makes me feel stupid. 'You are literally am asshole and I hope you know that. You're no fucking different to the shit people say about you. Fucking hell.'

Who was I to even expect that. Katie was the reason I would come here, otherwise he would just he another popular athlete at school i had no associations to and I don't think she'd be really happy that I was here with him so why am I?

Looking to the door I make my way over towards it in silence. Entering into the hallway I turn towards the stairs before feeling disappointed that he didn't apologize or even try to stop me, but I quickly brush away the feeling.

It would be weird to assume that after all these years of barely acknowledging my existence, other than maybe a nod in the hallways, that he would care about me that much.

Because like I said we're not friends.

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