Chapter 10: Part 2: Teaching Sessions

Start from the beginning

I stood up, my back facing him. "Okay. But just so you know I would have kicked your ass," he said in a provoking voice while smirking.

I snorted and rolled my eyes. Typical Ryan. "That's no surprise there," I turned around. "'Cause I really suck at bowling." I declined.

I walked to the staircase. I placed one hand on the wooden railing, ready to walk upstairs. But then something flashed through my mind. What am I going to wear? Well I couldn't call Jo. I would have to explain a lot and in the end I would probably cry. Tori? I didn't want to interrupt. She either had still class or she had to study or she had plans with Nathan. And what about....? Well I couldn't think of anybody else. So my best option was the smirking player, sitting in my living room.

"You wanna pick out my outfit?" I asked him, still standing in front of the staircase, my back facing him. I almost winced as I heard the words coming out of my mouth. That sounded really weird. A girl asking a guy to put her an outfit together. I turned around when he didn't say anything for a minute. He was leaning against the door frame, looking up from his phone and staring at me as if I grew a second head. "What?" I asked, raising a brow.

"I think you're old and capable enough to pick your clothes yourself."

I sighed and shrugged. "Okay, but don't complain if you won't like what I wear," I turned around and hurried up the stairs.

Finally reaching my room, I looked around, studying it. My room was small. A queen size bed was pushed against one wall. To my left, there was my closet. It was made out of wood and the front was a full length mirror. I trotted to it and searched for something comfortable to wear yet something made for the public eye.

After a few moments I stripped out of my sweatpants and long sleeved, black shirt and changed into red skinny jeans and a white tank top. I put on a beige, knit sweater and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I pulled my white, high tops converse on and slung my brown shoulder bag over my shoulder, putting my wallet, my keys and the rest of the stuff I needed into it.

I was shoving my phone into the back pocket of my jeans as I remembered my forearm. I looked at it. The numbers were already starting to fade away. So I grabbed my phone and stored his number. But before I put it away again I text


To: Sam

Did your Coach kick your ass?

I pressed the send button, but before I went down the stairs, I walked to my picture wall. Yeah that's right I have a wall fully plastered with pictures. Pictures of my family, pictures of my friends, pictures of all the things that made me happy. I looked at one of the photography, that got me to smile every time I looked at it.

It was a photo of Logan, Jo and me. We took it the summer before our freshman year started. It was taken at Starbucks. We were sitting side by side. Logan to my left and Jo to my right. A smile was plastered on my face and the three of us held our coffees up, clinking cups. It was a good memory. Back then life was easier to handle.

I smiled instantly as I saw it. I stared at it for a few minutes. I missed those days. The days I was happy. The days before the incident. The days which would always be a memory. The days which couldn't be forgotten easily. But someday the memory will fade and sometimes it will even be forgotten.

I sighed and ran my hands over my face. I'm so tired of it. Tired of crying. Tired of thinking. Tired of everything. So I took a deep breath and smiled. I fumbled with the strap of my bag as I made my way downstairs.

Ryan was standing at the same spot from before. His phone in one hand and the other stuffed in his denim jeans pocket. He looked down at his phone, scrolling through something looking like pictures from where I was standing at one of the upper stairs. I continued walking down the steps. The wood under my feet creaked, making him look up.

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