The fight.😈🚚🚚

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(same fandoms as last time plus one.. new one.. 😈😈😈😈)

There stood a scene. Puff, Terrance, Simon, and Milo all circled around Phillip demon thing. 

Puff threw punches at the demon. Simon pinned Phillip to the ground. So far, everything seemed to being going well. But then, the Phillip thing (from here on out we will refer to it as "Phillipdale") flew up into the sky. 

"NONE OF YOU DICKHEADS WILL EVER STOP ME!!" Phillipdale spat. Puff grunted. "You REALLY think you're that strong?"

Just then, Phillipdale threw puff into the air, and knocked him out with a single blow. "I'd kill you, just like you killed me, but I could put you in more pain later."

Puff got back up.

Milo grabbed his super special guitar thingy and started wacking the shit out of Phillipdale. Literally.

"Ewwwwww!!! !! ! ! ! !  🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮" Simon prozzak whined. 

That didn't stop anyone from beating Phillipdale, though. Except.. Terrance? Where's Terrance?

"I can't hurt him. He's been my friend for too long." Terrance was in denial. "You HAVE to fight him! Ffs Terrance you and I both dated him and here I am not holding anything back!" Puff yelled.

"I care about him."

"It's obvious he doesn't care about yo-

Terrance was being dragged into the wall and being beaten into several times by Phillipdale.

"You let him go! You monster!" Simon was shouting. Phillipdale looked back down on Simon, and with no hesitation, flew directly into him.

"Aghh! Help! Somebody!" 

Milo immediately started beating the shit out of Phillipdale, again, literally. It didn't seem to be doing anything, though, so Milo tore Phillipdale off of Simon. 

"You fucker." Milo had Phillipdale pinned and started rocking his shit. (what's with all this shit?)

But in the blink of an eye, it seemed Milo was knocked out cold. Phillipdale could not be stopped. "No! Milo!" Simon ran, well tried to run over to Milo but was blocked by the all powerful being that was Phillipdale Dinglefucher. Simon latched on to Phillipdale's leg, (phillipdale was floating) but it was no use, as he just got simply kicked off.

"What do you want from us!?" Terrance shouted.

"I want you. I want Puff." Phillipdale seemingly commanded.

"Why do you need to hurt us!?"

"Because when you're weak, I can take all of you." Phillipdale tried to be as menacing as possible, and to the others it was definitely working. 

"Why can't you take someone else?" 

"I can't have any other one."

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