rolli does a the? (does a die)

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(same fandoms as last time except undertale)

(also it's sad i guess? idk)

after the battle, rolli was extremely weak. he couldn't feel any of his limbs and it was hard to breathe. rita was the only one in the room helping rolli. rita was scared as hell, she couldn't lose rolli- she would lose half of her, too. she tried getting puff in the room, but he said he was busy. if only he knew. rita, at this point, was terrified. no matter how many fights they've gotten in, no matter all the things rita even did, they couldn't lose eachother. they were the duo. the only two in the story that hasn't broken up yet.


"yes rolli?"

"i.. i love you."

and that was the last thing he could say.

"well shit. guess i have no other choice other to-"

RITA WAS CRYING INTENSELY. WHY AM I YELLING ABOUT THIS. HELP. ALSO R.I.P ROLLI I GUESS. IDK I'M JUST THE AUTHOR, WTF DO I SAY? (actually i do know what to say, this chapter is so fucking weird cause i go by rolli now 😟)

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