Hopes and dreams (part 1)

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(SORTA MAJOR undertale spoilers)
(south park and i guess a little bit of yfm)
>phillip pov<
"It's the end" were words that flew through my mind. No one else could stop him. I had to be the one to do it. Which was IMPOSSIBLE. He was now some big buff dude who is everyone combined. I was more dead than Puff ever was. But, I still held on. Especially to my hopes and dreams.
Can't let go of those. He took a couple of swings at me and one of them hit. It hurt really bad, but still, I had to stay strong. I didn't want to even attack him, just because of how much pain I'd be in afterwards. I just hoped. Hoped for everything to be back the way it was, or maybe even, better. "I don't really want to DESTROY the world! I just want to make everything back the way it was." Brock spoke to me. After a couple more hits I decided I had to eat something. I had some leftover kd (kraft dinner) so I ate that.
I felt a lot more better and I started to hope and dream even more.

"I have an attack that will REALLY kill you!"

I started to feel everything spinning around. I kept getting beat over and over with pieces of random objects flying around me. It hurt a lot.

Slowly, I felt my grip on life get smaller and smaller.

But I didn't give up. Not yet, not at all.

"Even after that you're still standing?"
He started to go even more crazy with his attacks. And, at once, I fell to the ground. I felt dead, but I refused. I couldn't give up. I had everyone to save. I got back up and ate some food.

"Hmm, yes I can feel it. Everytime you die, your grip on this world gets smaller and smaller. You'll end here, where no one remembers you!"

"And you're still alive." "That ends NOW!"

He started to become bigger and stronger.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't eat.

I couldn't save anything with me.

But maybe, with what little power I have left..

I can save something else.

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