Your favorite m- nightmare 😈

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(south park and undertale)
Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no. This must be how Phillip felt when he was fighting that one thing that took all our souls.
I slowly saw a giant thing coming down. It had giant arms, and well, was terrifying. I saw a tv screen light up, and it then it laughed. And that's when I saw....


The thing that will haunt me forever.

I'm just gonna call him....
Thing from hell.

He started using vines, white pellets, lazers, anything!

I had the option to fight, and I took it.
Not shortly after, the screen changed.
It said WARNING! and it had a heart on it.

Not long after THAT there were KNIVES EVERYWHERE.

I called for help.......

Suddenly, the knives turned into bandages. I was able to heal myself.


It went back to the way it was before. Everything around me being destroyed. Still had fire everywhere.
It said warning again. This time, there were hands all surrounding me.

I called for help........

I was healed again.

Same thing happened again.
And again.
And again.
Finally, I reached the final soul.

(shortest chapter so far i think im sorry)

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