I have to find out eventually, I can't just leave Jisung forever.

After a moment of sitting and thinking to myself, I finally turn off my car and step out. I remember to grab my bags from the trunk before going to the front door.

I wonder what's gonna happen when I go inside. I haven't seen my team for the last week and a half.

Hesitantly, I take out my keys and unlock the door, stepping inside to the living room. There is no one on the couches, maybe they're still in bed? It's still kind of early.

I drop my bags by the empty hallway leading to the bedrooms and step into the kitchen.

As I expected, they can barely take care of themselves. Dishes are stacked in the sink and there is little to no food left in the fridge.

At least I got groceries before I left.

I toss my keys onto the counter and slump into a chair, taking my phone from my pocket.

What am I going to do? I went through all that trouble to save Jisung, I finally got him to be mine, and now my life will be in danger if I step foot on their property.

I close my phone from looking at my home screen, it's a picture of Jisung and my shoes together when we were sitting at the oak tree by the river.

From the front of the house, I hear a shuffle and a few bare foot steps. Not too long after, a head of blonde hair comes from around the corner.

"Hyung! You're back!"

Felix lunges forward and wraps his arms around me. While he settles into a more comfortable position, I hear a few sniffles coming from him. I try to look at his face to see if he was crying when the kitchen lights turn on.

"Hyung?" Changbin walks in rubbing his eyes a little.

"Hey, guys. I'm home. Felix, you can let go a little, I'm not going anywhere."

"No! You left so suddenly last time. You didn't even tell ust you were going anywhere! And then you're gone for 2 weeks? We can't take care of ourselves, hyung. Changbinie can't be the hyung of the house!" He says into my now soaked shoulder.

Changbin steps up to defend himself when the other blonde of the house comes forward.

"He's right though. The fridge is basically empty now besides a single jar of jelly." Hyunjin says. He walk over to me and crosses his arms.

"Now, you owe us an explanation. Don't think you can just up and leave without us being worried and curious about what was so important that you couldn't tell us."

I nod and tap for Felix to stand. He slides off of me and everyone follows me to the living room.

We all sit on different seats, but everyone turns themselves to face me.

Once we're settled, I take a breath and look at them. "Ok so, just let me explain everything, and you can ask questions after."

They nod and I explain things from the start, when I first saw Jisung at the jewelry store. As I explain where I was going when I went out in the middle of the night, it was clear who was ok with the relationship and who wasn't.

Felix lit up when I explained the secret meetings by the river, but Hyunjin held a passive face the entire time. Changbin was in the middle, he looked happy I was happy, but worried at the same time.

When I get to the part of me finally bringing Jisung home, I pause and Felix stood up and hugged me again.

"I'm glad you told us, hyung. You've been hiding this from us all this time, that must have been hard."

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