The 4th young master hesitated for a while before opening his mouth: "Then it's better to sell them off."

Tian-Shi nodded her head in satisfaction. "It's not that mother wants to sell your maids. Since Qiao-Shi made such a commotion the other day, if those maids aren't sold off it would be hard to maintain the peace. Please understand your mother's difficulties."

"Mom, I understand. It's all your son's fault for making things hard on mom."

Tian-Shi sat up and patted his shoulders, tenderly saying: "Silly boy, you are your mother's son. Making your mother worry about you is natural. Just keep in mind, no matter how much you dislike Qiao-Shi you must always be considerate of her dignity. That way, even if you take in a few maids or concubines, she wouldn't be able to say anything."

Her son had just married his wife not too long ago. As his mother, Tian-Shi had to put some effort into teaching him how to maintain the pavilion's equilibrium.

"Alright, go on back. Mother is tired and wants to rest for a bit."

The 4th young master nodded his head and walked out.

One will eventually have to face some undesirable situations in life while growing up. In the previous life, Ruan Siyi gradually became more and more depraved. Who knows if things could change in this life after Qiao-Shi's episode.

Of course, this was a little off topic.


Cui Lan, Liu Ye and Xiao Hua were shoved and jostled by those old crones to an abandoned building near the wayside pavilion and were locked inside.

The house was simple and crude, completely empty on the inside. The floor was covered in dust and countless webs hung in the corners. As though afraid of people escaping, the windows were completely boarded up, though it left a few large gaps for light to shine inside.

Cui Lan and Liu Ye had fallen to the floor. After a brief moment, they pulled out the rags in their mouths and pounced at the door, hammering with all their might.

Xiao Hua knew there was no chance of rescue at this point and didn't want to waste her energy. She found a corner and sat there curled up with her arms around her legs.

"Open up, open up! I want to see the young master...." Cui Lan yelled while crying, hitting the door repeatedly. Liu Ye was next to her doing the same.

But no matter how they beat at the door, no one responded. It was completely silent outside the house.

The two having been dragged the whole way didn't have much left in way of appearance. Their clothes were filthy, their hair was a mess, and their faces were filled with snot and tears, completely losing the look of the Jinxiu Pavilion's senior maids.

The two didn't get tired of hitting the door but Xiao Hua grew tired of watching, taking the rare initiative to open her mouth on her own: "Stop hitting, don't waste your energy. No one's going to come release us...." She paused and continued: "The young master also won't come."

Cui Lan turned around and glared at Xiao Hua, her red streaked eyes giving her a deranged look.

"Stop speaking nonsense. You're just a maid, but Liu Ye and I are different. Young master will definitely come rescue us."

Xiao Hua inwardly sneered. How were they different now?

Even with such a large commotion at Qiao-Shi's residence, the young master hadn't hurried back.

She knew that it wasn't because he was completely heartless. Regarding this man who used to be her everything in her past life, Xiao Hua still had a good understanding of his character. He wasn't callous. The only possibility for his absence was that the estate madam had prevented the news from reaching him.

If this was the case, the madam was certainly clear that dealing with them in front of the young master would cause him to argue. She simply took care of them first without telling him. Since the madam had put in so much effort, how could she let the young master come save them?

Especially considering Qiao-Shi had gone to the extent of hanging herself. To suppress this incident definitely required some scapegoats. If it couldn't be the 4th young master, then it had to be them.

Having thought up to this point, Xiao Hua secretly spat.

She really had eight generations worth of bad luck. Imagine getting caught up in calamity just like that. She clearly remained honest, honest, and also honest. She was low key to the lowest key, but was still implicated in the end.

However, Xiao Hua also knew that thinking about this was useless and could only accept her fate. Besides, having been sold so many times, she had gotten used to it already.

But it was truly hard to get used to it in her heart. Having entered the Jinyang Estate in her past life, no matter how hard it got, her days were never truly bitter.

Now having reincarnated once, despite her best efforts to protect herself, she still ended up getting sold off.

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