"Well, that's interesting. Indeed, you look hot, though. Very hot." He smirked, checking me out. 

"Thanks. I know." I smirked back, raising my glass with him and we both drank our drink. 

Of course I knew it.
I came here tonight fully prepared.

I wore my sexiest dress tonight, this backless red satin slip dress hugged my body perfectly. With black stilettos and my loose wavy hair, I felt sexier than ever. 

"So you're single now?" He asked. 

"Single, and so ready to mingle." I looked seductively at him. 

He was such a hottie. Maybe coming to this wedding wasn't fully a bad decision after all. Maybe I could get lucky tonight. 

He just smirked at me, his tongue trailing on his lips. He played his half-empty wine glass with his fingers, and that move caught my eyes. 

He had such beautiful hands, long delicate fingers with visible veins on his back palm. The way his fingers trailing at the tip of his wine glass were so sexy. I never knew I had such a hand kink until I saw his. 

"Great then–"

"And now, the bride and groom will share their first dance as a newlywed. And with that I welcome you the bride's beloved cousin to come on stage to accompany the dance with his piano play," The host suddenly announced, interrupting our conversation. 

"Oh, wait. Duty call," He said to me, immediately stood up from his seat and walked to the stage, taking his position in front of the grand piano there. 

He then played the piano, and a beautiful melody started to fill the air, lingering along with the couple's dance. 

"Oh shit…" I cursed to myself, realizing my big mistake with my big mouth. 

So he was the bride's cousin? 
Okay I was doomed. 
It was eventually a truly bad decision to come to this wedding. 

I felt like I wanted to go hide somewhere before he came back here and found me again, but I just couldn't. 

His melody captivated me as I got stunned watching him playing the piano beautifully. He looked so graceful and alluring, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. And before I knew it, the song was over and everybody was clapping. I clapped too, not for the dance of course, but for him. And before I could go anywhere, he already got back to my spot, claiming his seat next to me again. 

He smiled at me, showing me the cutest gummy smile I had ever seen. And I just sat there, didn't know what to say. 

"Why do you suddenly get so quiet? Where's the hottie I met before?" He asked teasingly. 

"Ah, umm… well… I didn't know that you're the bride's cousin… umm sorry for calling her a… bitch?" I said unsure, avoided his gaze, "Nice play, though. Beautiful song." I added. 

"Se La Mia Morte Brami," He said. 


"The song. A madrigal written by Carlo Gesualdo," He explained, "Gesualdo wrote this song after he found out that his wife was having an affair with a Duke behind him. He killed the pair, mutilated them, and then wrote this masterpiece."

"Err… what?" I frowned, a bit taken aback, "That's quite a strange song to play at a wedding," I said, not sure how to react. 

"After hearing your story, I think it's the perfect song to play at this wedding." He chuckled, "Imagine yourself as the Gesualdo here." He smiled teasingly at me, while I just snorted at him. 

Okay, maybe it was the right song for this wedding. This guy had a great taste in music. 

"Thanks for siding with me," I said, giving him a thankful smile. 

"No worries, I know my cousin can be so bitchy, she's been such a spoiled brat since a little." He rolled his eyes annoyedly, "Also it's no surprise if she ended up stealing someone's man. It happened before," He said again. 

"So, your story is safe with me," He said reassuringly, acting as if he was zipping his mouth, making me chuckle at his move. 

"Okay so… a cheater and a man stealer, what a perfect combo. Cheers to them!" I said, smiling widely and toasting my glass with his. 

And we spent the night talking, well mostly flirting and drinking, a lot. 

All I can remember was he was a pianist, that explained his beautiful fingers. I wondered what those fingers were good at other than playing with the keys. 

The night was getting late, the wine flowing over and the conversation got steamier, I could feel the tension between us heating up. We had been drinking a lot and almost didn't touch the food at all. And we all knew that booze plus empty stomach equals disaster. I guessed I was already totally wasted when I heard him whispered in my ear, 

"Wanna continue our talk in my room?"


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