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Avalon Heights

Alessandro ripped my underwear to shreds. After barging in here all hot and tempting he ripped my thongs in half. Driving me absolutely haywire must be his goal. As if what I needed mere minutes before the most important event of my career is to be in a sex-induced haze. Yet here I am. Pretending that my boyfriend hadn't just cummed inside of me and that everything is peachy. Later I will freak out about the fact that we hadn't taken any measures to use protection and I'm not on birth control. Something I need to change today.

Alessandro zips my jacket back together. "Thank you for that Ava. I feel relaxed now. You do wonders." The audacity of him to make jokes at a time like this.

"I know ten different ways to skin you alive."

"I love when you talk dirty to me." He kisses me softly. "Pull down your pants, I think we have time for one more round."

Shoving him away I stalk to the door. "One of these days I am going to kill you." With more force than necessary I push it open and follow the path back to the main area.

My hips swish in weird angles to adjust to the feeling of not having underwear on. At least I wasn't wearing jeans. If I were I wouldn't have let him rip them. Or maybe I would have. He's so enticing and irresistible even when I should protest against him I never seem to. He has a hold over me. Every word pierces me. Each touch sears my skin. His name alone produces shivers that run down my spine.

Behind me Alessandro follows. Without even seeing him I can feel the cocky smile on his stupid face. Insanity. That is what he is driving me towards. Even so I still wouldn't let him go. If I become a crazy person then that will just be it.

He pulls my hand right before we enter the main area. "Ava." His green eyes cut into mine in stark seriousness. "We have to be discreet." Right.

In all of my planning it never seeped into me that Alessandro and I would have to keep our distance. So far my concern has been dedicated to getting the opportunity and impressing Niccolo. The other details seemed so small and insignificant at the time. Now that we're actually here Alessandro's words are hitting me.

An uncomfortable feeling of hesitation stirs in me. I could do it. I really could. Do I want to? No. Of course not. This is our only option. If our relationship got out it would put an even bigger target on my back and his. Especially with the reality of the brewing war between the Fauici's and the Morino's. Anything could be used against him including me. Nothing would make me feel worse than being in the way. For now we will keep things separate. At least until things die down a little.

"Hey." I squeeze our clasped hands in understanding. Or at least that's how I hope it translates. "There's too much at risk."

A wrinkle sets between his dark brows. "I wish things were different. I wish I could be down here with you. For you."

"That may be nice." A sigh falls from my mouth. "But, I don't need it. I know how you feel about me. I see all the ways you have supported me. You have been there and that is enough. Who you are is enough for me." Leaning on my toes I peck his cheek.

Every word said I mean wholeheartedly. More than once Alessandro has stuck by my side. Defended me when I was ready to stick it out alone. Demanding. Maddeningly so. Still he is my demanding and loyal boyfriend. I don't need him to hold my hand for me to know he is rooting for me.

"We are all rooting for you." His thumb slides over my lips. A forlorn look in his stark eyes. "I told Traegar you will be resigning."

Of course he would do something like that. "I'll deal with that later." I roll my eyes at him. "Who will be watching?"

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