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Avalon Heights

I never learn my lesson. That's something my father has told me since I can remember. Even before he ruined our lives. I always did things my way only thinking about consequences when necessary. It's the exact reason why I would invite him to stay with me. If I were lying to myself I could say it was the alcohol, which trust me I drunk a lot of, but it would be a bold faced lie. The way my body pebbled with goosebumps happened each time we have been together is a recurring experience that I can't blame on liquor.

In my bedroom he takes off his vest and shoes. Sitting on the bedroom lounger he flicks through channels. I don't even think I have anything to offer him to wear. The only thing that would maybe fit him in my closet is a robe. I'll grab it for him anyway.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." In my hand are my pajamas. The pink cotton seems so childish when there's a grown beast of a man sitting in my bedroom.

"Take your time." It's his first time here but it looks like he owns the space. This is no longer my domain but instead his. Even the night sky drifting in from my bedroom window belongs to him. What is it about him that everything just calls to be commanded by him? Even me. His quietness does nothing to overshadow his dominance. Unlike other men he doesn't have to open his mouth to assert himself.

Pulling myself away from drinking him in I walk into the connecting bathroom. My silk curls have dropped and look flatter. Probably from all of the sweating. Still I enjoyed my night. Thinking about his eyes on my body as I danced all over the bar is one hundred percent worth the lackluster curls. I wash off my makeup and moisturize my face. Once my cotton pajama set is on I brace myself to see him.

He's still seated in the same position. "Do you have an extra toothbrush?" His eyes pierce into mine a smooth darkness rests in them. Any other woman would probably walk away from such danger. I welcomed it. Thrived in basking in the dark glow.

"It's on the bathroom counter. There's a robe in there for you too. If you want." If I weren't so brown my face would be tinged pink.

A few minutes later he comes back out with a small smirk on his face. "I like your bonnet."

Subconsciously I touch my black and silver silk bonnet. I put it on every night to protect my hair. Especially my edges. "What do you know about a bonnet Alessandro?"

My words flutter out but my mind is occupied on the robe he wears. His muscularly lean body fills it out completely. He makes something that looks so feminine on me so masculine. I could orgasm with one touch to the view of him like this.

"My little sister Gia wears one." He flicks my bedroom light off before sliding into the opposite side of me. One action has shifted the air utterly. It's now pulsating with chemistry and tension. Something plays on the television, nothing near as interesting as the man in my bed but it makes for a good place to avert my eyes.

"Are her and Emiliano your only siblings?" Both of our voices are hushed low, the words being meant for only the two of us. Not even the moon would know what we are saying.

"No, I have three brothers. Niccolo and Emiliano then me. Last for the boys is Pietro. Gia's the youngest with a different mom." A moment of silence passes between us. Not an uncomfortable one but one that allows me enough time to imagine what his brothers might look like. What having a big family would be like.

"I have a younger sister. Nalani." My voice almost cracks at the mere mention of her name. It's been years since I have seen her. The separation was more than just between my parents but us too. It's neither of our faults, just the cards we were dealt. We had no choice but to. She went with mom and well I went with dad.

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