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Alessandro Morino

She wanted a fight. I did too. It's completely warranted when she is so clearly trying to run. After our conversation last night I thought I had assuaged all of her fears. Obviously there's things she's keeping to herself. For what I have no idea. Both of us are supposed to be in this together. If she really felt leaving was her best option then she could go, but I would be right there next to her wherever she went.

Telling her over and over again how much we are binded, how much I didn't want to let her go hadn't sunk in yet. I'll just have to show her that my words hold meaning. That when it comes to my promises I don't break them. When it comes to her I would sacrifice anything to keep her safe. We just got back together and I won't be dragged away from her not so easily.

"Alright you two." Emiliano wraps his arm around her shoulder. "A lovers quarrel so early in the morning will age you. Avalon I'm sure you must be hungry from your..eventful night." It was actually almost noon, a point I didn't get the chance to make because he had already whisked Avalon to the kitchen.

Niccolo claps me on the shoulder. "You can't trap her here." For a man who never had a real girlfriend he sure feels comfortable to hand out relationship advice.

"What else can I do when she insists on running?" Bitter feelings burrow in me at the words. How else should I feel knowing the one person I want is ready to leave me. While I understand her point of view on the matter, why couldn't she at least try to plan with me? We could have decided something together even if I felt like my home is the safest place she should know I would do my best to make sure she is comfortable. Even if it isn't at my home. There are other hideouts and safe houses my family has. All in all there are options.

"Chase her." There was never any question about that. The honeymoon phase of our relationship is coming to an end. Blissful ignorance is gone and now she'll have to see all sides of me. The dark ruthlessness I put in the corner for her I would wield just as easily if I have to. Avalon wouldn't bend easily and I don't want her to. My sweetheart will have to come to the understanding there are things I won't compromise. Number one being separated from her. "Oh for fucks sake you have that look in your eye. I am not stepping anywhere near this. When you're done plotting how to strap her down to your bed come to my office we're having a meeting."

My brothers are already spread out in Niccolo's office comfortably by the time I make it there. "Look who finally made it." Pietro says with a mouthful of banana pancakes. A reminder that I hadn't eaten yet. I'm sure there's a spread of food laid out neatly in the kitchen.

Yesterday I called Niccolo about the situation with Avalon's father. Over the phone he was calm and almost blase about all what's happening. I couldn't decipher if it was a testament to his usual calm attitude demeanor or the fact that the information came unsurprisingly to him. If he already knew about Avalon's past I don't know how I would handle it.

On one hand it makes sense that he would have investigated anyone who would be around our family. A fact I would have shoved down anyone else's throat had they brought a woman or man around us. Avalon completely blinded me to the typical things I would have usually done. If he had done that then why wouldn't he tell me?

I pluck a slice of bacon off of Pietro's plate. "Shut up, now what's this meeting about?" I wanted this over as soon as possible.

"Awe your first argument I take it?" Emiliano snickers in between bites of his own food. "Feed her, kiss her, and give her the best sex of her life and she'll be fine. That's what my women like. And a shopping trip, especially for Sasha and Brynn." He shrugs his shoulders tucking back into his food.

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