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Alessandro Morino

Since the trial has been wrapped up, without anything going wrong, operations have gone back to normal. Meaning I spend much less of my time in the busy city. What I do best happens in warehouses covered by the night. Admittedly I am a creature of habit the trial fucked with my schedule and mood. I'm not fond of how packed the city is; it's never been my style. Before all of this shit I only went in the city at most maybe twice a week. It was safer that way anyways. The less you're seen the less you can be tracked.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk. You see what happens when you don't heed warnings?" I stand in front of my latest victim Jacoby Bloom. He disrespected Niccolo's authority and lost multiple shipments of weaponry. Idiota. Pietro was able to find them of course, but he shouldn't have had to. Since he wanted to cause trouble for my family members he now had to deal with me. What a pity. Can you hear the sarcasm?

"I-I" I can see the sweat leaking through his clothes, dirtying the chair he's strapped to. It's unsanitary as fuck.

"Oh hush now widdle baby" I coo rolling my eyes. Immediately he silences knowing there's nothing he can do. This is his fate and punishment, they do not have me handle things when it's playtime. Since he had so much fucking mouth let's see how he handles losing a few teeth. I put on my gloves after washing my hands thoroughly. Jacoby squirms in his seat waiting for what will happen next. Too bad we're not working on his timeline.

I grab the cheek retractors not bothering to rinse them for his benefit, it wouldn't make a difference concerning his fate. Placing my goggles to not get his nasty fluids on me I also put on a surgical mask. Bloom is thrashing in his seat, annoying the hell out of me.

"Sit still now or else I will make this ten times more painful." Sensing my seriousness he clamps down on squirming. Cleaning my drill and pliers I place them next to Bloom. I grab the drill and saw and begin carving out his front row of teeth. The sound alone would make many wish they were dead. Metal grinding against bone is piercing to the ear. It sends a sick shrill of excitement through me. It's invigorating what pain these little tools could bring to someone. His mouth swells up like a balloon, blood flows so easily it splashes to the floor. As I am about to inflict the next part of my plan my phone rings. Who would be calling me at a time like this?

After warning Bloom to keep his pig boy mouth shut I pick up the call. Beyond irritation I don't even bother looking at the caller ID. "What?" I bark through the phone.

"Is this a bad time?" The purest voice responds. I almost want to kick myself for my hostile tone.

"No, not at all. What's up?" I clear my throat.

"Oh, nothing in particular I just...I just wanted to make sure you made it home alright." That's not the original reason for her calling me. The hesitation in her voice gives it away.

"I did. Anything else?" I don't even recognize my own voice from the flirtatious tone. Bloom pretends to throw up. I grab a knife and throw it swiftly into his arm. He makes gurgling noises from the impact.

"Is everything ok over there?" Great now he's got her worrying about him. I rolled my eyes at his intrusion."Yeah, just babysitting."

"Awe well good luck to that baby, remember to hold its head." She giggles. "There's a bar crawl happening in the city..."

"Is this you asking me on a date?" I could hear her breath hitch through the phone. I haven't known her for long but she could be shy. Her sheepishness is adorable but it didn't mask the wickedness I could see inside of her. Avalon hides behind a mask of innocence, a girl next door type. Underneath it all I could see there is something else, something femininely dark. Something devastatingly breathtaking. "I'll pick you up at eight." Avalon mutters a sweet thank you before disconnecting the call.

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