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Avalon Heights

"Buongiorno Avalon." Alessandro rolls his eyes at his two older brothers though they can't see him. When they called the car automatically picked it up through its bluetooth system. Reason number million why I will always love this car. Sleek leather seats, tinted windows, and any technological advancement you could possibly think of.

"Buongiorno Morino boys." I greet them with a smile they can not see.

"You don't have to feel obligated to speak to them sweetheart." Recently he's started using the term of endearment. Each time it sends a swarm of butterflies into my stomach. Where he came up with it I'll never know but I hope he never stops saying it.

"Oh shut up, I happen to like your brothers very much." I pinch his side making him playfully glare at me. His brothers snicker at him from the other side of the phone.

"Exactly sweetheart." That was Emiliano teasing Alessandro. I laugh at the argument that breaks out between the three of them.

"Hey losers." Pietro joins the call.

"Does that include me too?" I ask knowing he doesn't know I'm on the phone with them.

"Hi sister in law." Without seeing him I can hear the smile in his voice. He's taken to calling me that and honestly I don't mind it. I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself as Alessandro and I are newly in a relationship but it feels like we've been together forever. Like we will be together forever. Maybe that's the reason he was so hesitant to introduce me to his family, because he was scared of thinking the same way I am right now.

"Oh for fucks sake." Alessandro grumbles.

Alessandro pulls in front of the building as he has everyday this week. Within only days of officially becoming boyfriend and girlfriend we set ourselves into a new normal. My desire for him has grown exponentially these days. Did he even know all the ways I craved him? Before it was a blooming want and now it is a blossomed need. If he didn't touch me soon I think I might combust.

"Bye boys I'll see you tomorrow." Turning to my boyfriend I peck his lips not wanting to get lipstick on him. "I'll see you tonight. Be ready for me." I wink at him before jumping out of the car not waiting for his response or his brothers. Likely they're giving him hell for my comment but I couldn't care less. Teasing him has become one of my favorite things to do in the world. A sick thrill washes through me at seeing him flustered because he so rarely is. To know I'm the one who makes him feel that way sends me to the clouds.

Today Traeger isn't in the office so I am working a half day. So is Teyana which is perfect since I'll be getting ready at her place for my date tonight. I have no idea where we're going. He gave no hints just that I should be comfortable and look nice, whatever the hell that means. I think the outfit I chose will do justice. If he wanted me to spend his money, who am I to not oblige? Especially when what's underneath will make his eyes fall out of his face.

The day goes by quickly and it's already time for me to get ready for whatever he has planned for tonight. Excitement frills within me at the prospect of what we could be doing tonight. Teyana is one of the only people in the city I would consider a friend. We met at work during a mixer when I first started working as Traegers assistant two years ago. We were the only two black women there and were side-eyeing everyone the entire evening. That night she took me to the bar. Ever since she and I have been good friends. Rarely do we ever get to see each other at work because she works in accounting but we try to have lunch as often as possible. Each time I see her she has a different hairstyle from the last. Today she rocks a bob that looks good on her umber brown skin. When I told her yesterday about our date she insisted on me getting ready at her place. Admittedly it is a nice change of pace. Having a girlfriend to laugh with and gossip about what the night will be like made me feel youthful again in all the best ways possible.

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