Co-Dependent Lads

Start from the beginning

She smiles before saying, "Well done," She says, causing me to smile. "Miloch taught you well."

I nod before turning and grabbing her sword and handing it to her. "Truce?" I smirk.

"Let me think about it." She smirks back before turning and exiting through the crowd.

"What's wrong with you?" Bellamy asks, half shouting as he runs up to me.

"What are you talking about?" I furrow my brows.

He scoffs and turns away. "You are fighting for fun." He says, his tone darkening.

"I'm fighting to get better." I say, correcting him.

He takes a deep breath and sighs before shaking his head and walking away. I watch him go with furrowed brows.

"Are you alright?" A voice says from behind me, breaking me from my staring contest with Bellamy's back.

I turn around and am faced with Lexa.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say, before narrowing my eyes.

She nods. "Well, it's time for Finn's ceremony of death." She says.

I stutter to make words come out of my mouth. "Uh...Okay." I stamper, causing pity to shine in her eyes.

She goes to say something, but I shake my head. "I don't want nor need pity."

She half smiles before nodding. "You remind me of myself." She murmurs before walking away, leaving me confused.

I watch her go, confused, until I feel arms encircle my middle, causing me to jump back. I relax, however, when I realise that it's Adyen, the boy at the village that Finn went berserk at.

"Um..." I trail off before returning the hug.

He doesn't say anything before taking a step back and sighing.

"Promise me you'll make it better." He says, his eyes wide and child-like.

"What?" I murmur, confused.

"You're Heda's new acomplida." He says, tilting his head. "It means partner." He clarifies.

"Partner?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing.

"You and her are going to cure the reapers and bring back my father." He says, hope filling his words.

My face softens before nodding. I crouch down
to his level and my lips lift into a small, comforting smile. "I promise." I say before making a thumbs-up symbol with my hand. "It's how my sister and I used to fortify promises." I clarify, causing him to set his fist against mine and i connect out thumbs.

He smiles a big toothy grin before running off into a tent.

My smile fades as sadness takes its place. Then anger.


Night falls as I sit in the middle of the camp, reading my old journal entries that I had written during my sentence in the skybox.

day 23

dad turned me in after 4 years of putting aside his morals. I guess he got tired of covering for my engineering classes and the extra rations.

I'm by myself in this stupid cell. it's strange though because there's a bed above mine. A bunk bed I think it's called.

I think Riv would have liked to annoy me by kicking the underside of the top bunk.

day 35

i keep dreaming of my mums death. i am grateful that i wasn't allowed to watch my sisters death. i would be dreaming of that too.

day 68

my nightmares have devolved into fantasies of killing the guards holding my mother and sister. I turn around and do the same to my father.

but then i turn around and mother and riv are dead

i don't want to sleep again

day 70

i refused to sleep for a day and a half.

it didn't work out. the guards sedated me.


day 148

they brought me a friend. his name is elliot.

My lips press together as I close the notebook. I was hopeless in the skybox. I had no one to talk to, nothing to occupy my time, so i turned to my thoughts.

"You okay?" Bellamy asks, sitting down next to me.

I glance up at him and gesture to my notebook. "Elliot saved it for me when we first came down." I say, the fire's crackle almost drowning out my words.

He doesn't say anything for a moment. "I know you miss him," he pauses, causing me to glance over at him. "But, with the way you're going, you may lose yourself to this battle and I don't know if can pull you back afterwards." He whispers, reaching over and grabbing my hand.

I intertwine our fingers and without looking up, I say, "With you by my side, I can come
back from anything."

ur mum
- abigail

jk love you :)

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