CH: 40 Always make them pay

Começar do início

Me and Sprinter finished clearing the school, I radio the others to tell them we are heading to the subway terminal.

Deku-" 1 to all, no joy at objective toy, moving to obj turtle to link up with 2, how copy over"

Paris-"Paris to 1, acknowledged over"

Misfit 2-"SaZZzzz ZZZzzzzZZzzOVer"

Deku-" I say again, 1 will link up with 2 and obj turtle, over.

Misfit-"AzzZZZzzZZZZ  ZZzzzZZknowzzzZZ    ackzzzzzzzZZZZ, over"

Deku-" Paris be advised, comms are spotty at obj turtle. We'll be comms dark for a while, 1 out"

No one's pov

Deku and Sprinter began making the 4km walk to the subway terminal. 

Misfit 2 made their way past the ticket booth deeper into the terminal. Their nvgs gave them enough visibility for them to be comfortable, but something was definitely wrong. There was sounds of machinery coming from within the train platfoms. Hazard called it out.



Crash gave the hand gesture to be quiet. The 3 augs hugged a wall and crept forward, Crash peeked over the side. 

Crash-"What th-"

Pods of what appeared to be frozen bodies were stacked and lined up all over the train platforms and rails.  Men, women, and children were what appeared to be in a coma state. Weird-looking cables snaked everywhere, connecting to the pods. The 3 augs on high alert, rifles at the ready, slowly crept forward to get a better view of the pods.

Pulse-"What the fuck?"

Crash-"Like some kind of freezer?"

Hazard-"Let's unplug them and get them out"

Crash-"Wait, we don't know if that's safe"

Crash tried his comms, nothing but static. There too deep to get a signal. Crash was about to order a fallback before something like the sound of dinner forks was heard. All 3 augs turned and checked their sectors. Behind a counter, a small child-like figure appeared, small and frail-like. A little boy with his legs replaced with metal claws, blood oozing from the surgical implants, tears welling from his eyes as he sobbed trying to say something. "Help meeee" almost like a whine. The augs were frozen with... Crash brought his rifle up, centered on the boy's chest. Then some unknown force grabbed the little boy and dragged him to the left. A spider-like freak of a machine began to use its "fangs" to adjust what looked like implants on the boy's neck. Like a sick repair job, The augs opened fire. Accurate shots hit the thing's face, rounds tore through and the monster slumped down to the ground. A slurry of blue blood pooling underneath, the boy didn't move, was he hit by accident. The augs were quiet and focused, but deep down they were screaming internally what the fuck!!?. Crash was about to check on the boy when the boy began to stand up like a cursed child. Its bloody eyes staring with a predator gazing. Crash thought he saw a small smile form on his lips. The boy shrieked at the top of his lungs and charged at Crash trying to claw him to death. Pulse emptied his mag into the freak. A puddle of meat and metal remained.


the 3 augs conducted a tactical retreat back through the way they came. Crash didn't bother to look back, gunfire erupted behind him. "Frag out" someone yelled. a loud boom was heard the concussion hit crash. He turned and saw Pulse get his back slashed by a woman with her arm replaced with a bloody blade. Crash emptied his mag on the monster. dropping it on the spot. Pulse laid bleeding out on the stairs, his yelps for help piercing Crash's ear, 


Crash grabbed his wounded brother by the plate carrier and dragged him up the stairs, his muscles strained without the aid of his armor. Hazard emptied 2 more mags into the darkness, another monster tried to football tackle hazard, Hazard hit the freak's face with the butt of his rifle and stomped his neck into the stairs. This caused hazard to trip as he fell on his back. Crash was about to cry out before 2 bursts of 2 rounds came from behind him cutting down the cyborgs. Deku picked hazard up while crash and sprinter both grabbed and dragged pulse. Deku and crash unloaded everything they had down the stairs. Cyborgs cried out and shrieked as they died. After a few seconds, some even began to retreat back into the darkness. 

The team bolted out of the terminal and straight into a shop in the mall. Ready to kill and followers, nothing came. Hazard cleared a counter while Crash attempted to stabilize Pulse, blood was everywhere as first-aid kits were ripped off and pressure was applied to stop the bleeding. Deku called in to Paris

Deku-"Contact!, pulse is down. We are RTB. out"

Pulse cried in pain as he tried to control his breathing. Hazard gave him a painkiller, comforting the hurt man.

Crash-"Your gonna be ok brother"

Sprinter-"We need to go now!"

Deku-"Crash, Hazard your on pulse, the rest are on security"

With pulse stabilized and drowsy from the meds, Crash fireman carried him while the rest had their rifles up. They began to hustle back to Paris. The firefight was definitely going to attract more bots on site.

Paris-"We have beds ready"

Sweat poured on everyone's face as they jogged on. The weight of their casualty, gear, and mind bearing down on them.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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