⏰ Granny Alarm ⏰

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Izuku's POV:

I didn't quite get what was going on but when I woke up, I was definitelly not out in the rain but in a bed. This made me immediately jump up and out of the bed.... Well it wasn't the best idea since I entangeled myself in the bed sheet and fell down.

RG: Goodness dearie, are you okay?

Me: I am fine- OH MY GOD YOU ARE RG!

RG: Sure am kid, now calm donw.


RG: No but you were actually close to it.

Me: For real? Wait does that mean you healed me?

RG: Of course I did dearie.

Me: Oh my gosh, the best healer in the world just healed me.

RG: Aww you are taking my heart already.

Me: Can you tell me about your quirk a bit? I find it soo cool!

RG: Sure but first let me check you up.

Me: But I am fine Ma'am.

RG: Call me Chiyo dearie. You are quite the cute kid.

Me: Ahm thanks Miss Chiyo.

RG: No, what did I just tell you. Just Chi-yo. Otherwise you making me feel older than I am.

Me: Oh sorry Chiyo.

RG: Better. Here!

Although I was sitting on the ground, she came over to me and handed me some gummies. She definitelly was the nicest doctor I ever encountered. Not that I had much expereince with doctors anyways.

The moment I took the redisch gummy, I couldn't help but make a *mmmhh* since they were soo good. It was raspberry that I could taste and I loved berries soo much. It really was nice.

RG: You like them?

Me: They are soo good. I never had something like that.

RG: That's because I made them myself.

Me: You made them?!

RG: Sure did.

Me: They are sooo goood.

RG: Thank you. Want some more. You seem to like the red ones the most.

Me: Thank you.

She gave me some more gummies and made me sit back on the bed once again. It was at this moment that I saw that I wasn't wearing my uniform anymore. It was a bit cold since I was basically only in my underwear.

RG: Here take this uniform and change it into it.

Me: Thanks.

She closed the curten right after she checked my condition and I went ahead and changed into the uniform form what I knew this was some sport uniform. It wasn't too big and also not small which honestly surprised me a lot. 

Once I was done I went out and she already prepared another chair for me to sit by her side. It was at that moment that I realized where I was.

Me: Am this isn't the hospital, right?

RG: Oh no, no, no. Dearie, you are at UA.

Me: UA?!

RG: Yes. 

Me: How did I get here?

RG: Aizawa found ya after he saw what happened to you in the group chat.

Me: Aizawa? As in Aizawa Shota, THE ERASERHEAD?!

RG: Yup. That guy.

Me: Oh my god...I...Oh ...

RG: You look embarassed. What's wrong.

Me: I ranted to Eraserhead over himself....

RG: I am sure he doesn't mind at all.

Me: I hope so. I feel soo embarrased right now.

If I wasn't embarrassed enough, my stomach decided to rumble and RG started laughing lightly at me.

RG: You sure must be hunrgy, let's go get ya something.

Me: Okay.

The moment RG opened the door, both a hobo looking man which I knew was Eraserhead and Nezu fell down. They were surely earsdropping which made me more embarrassed. At this point I only wanted to hide right now.

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