One and only Ruler!

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3rd POV:

While Aizawa took Izuku out of Nezu's office and ran off, every single UA teacher besides Lunch Rush and RG went after Aizawa trying to get that Undeveloped Butterfly and their Supreme Ruler back. Too bad that at some point Izuku decided to sneak away from Aizawa and chill at RG's place the infirmary. Even Lunch Rush came over with some snacks and tea for their rules. At this point everyone knew that the green bean was precious to them and the true one and only ruler over UA who could tell them to do anything and they would do it without thinking twice or even questioning it.

UA staff chat:

DeafgivingCockatoo: I saw him running to ground beta!

50shadesOfYuuei: TO GROUND BETA WE GO!

YuueiFormers: I closed the path to there! He can't run to any training ground.

GeneralGrievous: Good job! Let's get out Ruler back.

GroundControlToMajorTom: How dare he even kidnap our ruler?!

RatSatan: I just saw him on the CCTV and Izuku is not with him.

InvincibleBrick: @Undevelopedbutterfly where the hell did you hide the kid?

Morbius: I have my class searching for them.

SpookyScarySkeleton: Same but I got hero second years.

GroundControlToMajorTom: Mirio and such?

SpookyScarySkeleton: Yes.

GroundControlToMajorTom: Good, he can't run and hide forever.


RG: You do know that they are searching for you, right?

Izuku: Yup and?

RG: HAHAHAHA You are betten then Nezu.

Lunch Rush: Is ther a reason you won't tell them?

Izuku: He just grabbed me with his capture scarf and flug me into the air until he caught me and ran out. I don't like being subdued in a capture gear.

Lunch Rush: That's logical.

RG: I won't heal him for a while.

Izuku: Please don't be like that. I am sure me dipping without him knowing will be panic enough.

RG: Aww you are soo sweet.

Lunch Rush: Come to think of it. How did you manage to get away like that?

Izuku: My mom made me train in combat and self defenses. I have some tricks up my sleves.


Lunch Rush: Here take another cookie.

Izuku: Thanks. They are genius.

Lunch Rush: I'll make some more later. So you can always saviour them.

Izuku:  Thank you!

~Time skip (2 hours) brought to you by the teachers in the infirmary watching and laughing their asses off about Aizawa's panicked look and the others desperate look~

UA staff chat:

Undevelopedbutterfly: @SupremeRuler

DeafgivingCockatoo: Why are you @-ing him?

Undevelopedbutterfly: @SupremeRuler

50shadesOfYuuei: Who cares! We still have to find that damn caterpillar!

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