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In a private chat:

Aizawa: Kiddo, don't take it to heart what the people said in thr chat.

Izuku: Ahm thanks... Who are you?

Aizawa: Someone who got added wrongly to the chat.

Izuku: I am sorry that you got bathered by us.

Aizawa: It's fine. How are you doing?

Izuku: Good I guess.

Aizawa: Don't lie.

Izuku: But I am.

Aizawa: You sure?

Izuku: Yes. Why shouldn't I?

Aizawa: Quirk discrimination.

Izuku: Technically it's not cause I am quirkless and for quirk discrimination you need a quirk.

Aizawa: Kid, it's still discrimination.

Izuku: I know.

Aizawa: So no matter what they say, don't  listen to them.

Izuku: I get that you want to help me and all but you and I don't even know each other. So why are you texting me?

Aizawa: To make sure you don't take a swan dive.

Izuku: I won't don't worry.

Aizawa: Good.

11:30 pm Izuku and Aizawa are online

Aizawa: Kid I see you online. Go to sleep.

Izuku: Why do you care?

Aizawa: Just do it.

Izuku: I will. I just want to watch this clip from Eraserhead till it finishes.

Aizawa: It can wait.

Izuku: It can't! Tomorrow the clip will be gone! He is such a cool underground hero too.

Aizawa: Did you say underground?

Izuku: Yes. Not every hero has to be a lime light hero after all.

Aizawa: How did you know that guy anyways?

Izuku: I am a huge fan of heroes.

Aizawa: I mean how did you even get to know that hero?

Izuku: You know... Even when I am quirkless I can still dream big and admire true hero work.

Aizawa: Is he that good?

Izuku: That good? You gotta be kidding me! He is amazing.

Aizawa: Oh really now?

Izuku: Yeah! Let me tell ya some things about that hero:
Even without the aid of his Quirk, he has great hand-to-hand combat skills.

Aizawa: Tell me what do you know else.

Izuku: a bit about his quirk.

Aizawa: His quirk?

Izuku: Yes you see he has a "villainous" quirk tho I think it is sooo coool!

Aizawa: I am curious about it, what is his quirk?

Izuku: His quirk is called Erasure. His quirk gives him the ability to nullify another person's Quirk by looking at the user. The effects of this Quirk can still last even if they are out of your sight.

The quirk is very powerful but has some drawbacks such as:
- By Blinking your quirk deactivates itself.
- User get bad dry eyes, which is forcing you to blink more often when he use his quirk continuously.
- Most Mutant-class Quirks are immune to Erasure.
- While activate it makes his hair stand up, allowing the enemies to see when the Quirk is active or not. It also has no offensive potential.

Aizawa: Impressive.

Izuku: But that's just his quirk which is super cool. I think his yellow goggles are such a good idea! Like the prevent enemies from figuring out who he is currently looking at, and keep them guessing. Combine that with his extremly high pain tolerance and observation and evaluation skills and you got an amazing hero!

Aizawa: How did you find out soo much about him?

Izuku: I watched his video and it's prettz obvious how cool he is! Besides that's not all there is!

Aizawa: There is more?

Izuku: YUP! Like he has a scarf or capture weapon with that he developed a unique fighting style that involves the scarf like capture weapon. He is doing this by immobilizing his opponents, as well as using it for mobility such as swinging objects around or even using to get from building to building.

Izuku: Isn't that awesome! He nearly doesn't rely on his quirk tho I am still the opinion that he does a bit since it shocks the oponent and he uses that small amout of time to engage them. A good trick but what if it doesn't help? Well thankfully something like this didn't happen till now, I guess.

Aizawa: A fan of him, huh?

Izuku: Huge fan! He is literally my favorite hero besides that chimera.

Aizawa: Chimera?

Izuku: Nezu.

Aizawa: That rat Satan is your favorite hero too?

Izuku: Did you just call him rat Satan?

Aizawa: Sure did.

Izuku went offline

Aizawa: Kiddo?

Aizawa: Kid?

Aizawa: Hello?

Izuku came back online

Izuku: Sorry I dropped my phone.

Aizawa: Why?

Izuku: Cause you are a UA teacher and that means you are a hero!

Aizawa: How did you know?

Izuku: I know a bit about UA and the fact that only his staff members call him like that. Besides that students call him UA's rat god and the society as well as hero commission call him a psycho gone wrong Mickey Mouse. So yeah...

Aizawa: I see.

Izuku: How is it being a hero?

Aizawa: Tiring.

Izuku: But you guys are soo cool!

Aizawa: It's nothing special at all.

Izuku: It is! I wish I could get into UA even if it is gen ed course

Aizawa: Why not?

Izuku: My mom won't let me.

Aizawa: I see.

Izuku: She can be scary some times and very overprotective too.

Aizawa: That's how mothers are kid.

Izuku: Well I have to go sleep now. I still have school tomorrow but thank you for texting me!

Aizawa: I'll check up on you from time to time kid.

Izuku: No need for that. I'll be fine. I survived until now so I'll still survive it somehow.

Aizawa: Kid, you don't have to go through this alone. I want you to give me a call if it gets too much for you. No matter what time.

Izuku: You really don't have to do this.

Aizawa: Promise it to me kid.

Izuku: Fine. I promise and thank you.

Aizawa: Now sleep kid! Good night.

Izuku: Good night hero-san.

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