What the heck?!

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Aizawa's POV:

I don't get why I have to sit here in the teachers office...

It's even 3 pm now.

I don't have a class too!

Why can't the rat let me go home?

Well at least I get free coffee and I have my sleeping bag.

Me: *Sigh*

I was sitting in my office and enjoying my free life without any students until Zashi and Nem came over to me after their class.

And there goes my silent rest!

Can't they walk in like normal people but need to stomp like freaking elephants?

Someone is trying to sleep here after all!

Mic: God Sho! You can be soo happy to not have any classes to teach at all.

I was until you came in.

Let me rest now and get back to work!

You still have 2 hours of teaching!

Midnight: Which class did you come from cause I just came out of Power Loaders hellish class!

Me: *Sigh*

No wonder your hair looks like this then!

Mic: Thirteens.


Midnight: Holy crap! You still are alive? Did they do something to ya?

And you are over exaggerating MUCH!

They never did something to me.

Still ever little shitter here is a demon!

They all are screaming, loud and way to energetic as well as barely have any potential.

What is there to fear?

You are a pro hero!

Make them scared of yourself and make them respect you.

Me: *Sigh* What are you talking about?

Midnight: Well last time I went in they had a bucket of slime ready to dump on the teacher.

Mic: Shit. No thankfully all they had was salt.

Me: Salt?

Mic: Yes salt.

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