21...but 20 students...and no one noticed!

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Aldera High Izu's Class Group Chat:

TheWiseOne created a group chat and added 20 other people.

TheWiseOne: Okay someone explain to me why we have to do this?!

HighFiveMe: Because of the Abomination.

DoomsDay: Yeah! He had to talk back.

PigeonBlood: He should die already.

WeatherMan: He should just leave! For how long will he be a burden to us?

KingExplotionMurderer: That's what I fucking say to him.

Usless: Kacchan...

KingExplotionMurderer: The fuck! Who got him in here?!

NomNom: WiseOne why did you put him in here?

TheWiseOne: Oop my mistake! 

BrainDead: Well it's too late now.

KillMeHealMe: We could kick him!

PainInTheAss: Nah let him be. He will understand how useless he is sooner or later and leave on his own!

Usless: But guys, I am not useless.

ShroomShroom: Says the one person responsible for our punishment.

Usless: But that's not my fault.

KingExplotionMurderer: It fucking is! You're whole existance is a mistake!

HappyGoNothing: He's right. How long do you think people will tolerate you.

Claws: Why do we have to have you in our class anyways?

RainbowUnicornATTACK!: Better question! Why is he in our goddamn school! He shouldn't be even here! How can they even take in someone like him?!

Usless: I never asked for this either! 

Butterfree: Then leave!

LavaGirl: Yeah leave!

BrainDead: You are just a waste of space. Someone else could have taken your spot!

NomNom: Did the brain dead person said something useful once in a lifetime?

TheDeityFromAbove: Seems like it.

KingExplotionMurderer: Fucking take a swan dive already and pray for a quirk in your next time motherfucking deku!

Usless went offline

Claws: Did he leave?

TheWiseOne: He just went offline.

ShroomShroom: Can we kick him?

SharkBoiiii: Don't think we can.

LavaGirl: I am not admit at least.

PigeonBlood: Wait who made this group in the first place?

TheDeityFromAbove: TheWiseOne did.

TheWiseOne: You called?

NomNom: Kick Deku!

TheWiseOne: No.

Butterfree: Why not?

HighFiveMe: Why?

DoomsDay: You are an idiot and not wise at all.

TheWiseOne: What did you just say?!

KingExplotionMurderer: FUCKING ENOUGH! Let that stupid brat suffer! He will learn soon enough that this isn't fucking his place.

HappyGoNothing: Does he even have a space?

KillMeHealMe: Nope.

HighFiveMe: Yes.

KillMeHealMe: Where?

HighFiveMe: Afterlife where else?

KillMeHealMe: You think they will take him?

LavaGirl: ahahahaha nope not at all.

PigeonBlood: Shit. I can't do this homework. Anyone wants to make a study group?

LavaGirl: I am in.

SharkBoiii: Me too.

KillMeHealMe: Me three.

HighFiveMe: Count me in.

PigeonBlood: Okay everyone who wants to study come to my house, there is pizza for everyone here and we have enough softdrinks too.

BookWormOfOTherWorld: Wait is King joining us.

KingExplosionMurderer: Fucking no.

TheDeityFromAbove: Why?

KingExplosionMurderer: Because all of you are fucking extras.

TheWiseOne: Well he is fine on his own. I mean he always gets the best grade. 

ShroomShroom: But don't you think he would be a good teacher?

KingExplosionMurderer: Fuck off!

KingExplosionMurderer went offline

NomNom: Guess it's just us then.

PigeonBlood: I'll be waiting.

Everyone else went offline

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