🧸Letting Go 2🐼

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Mew punch the wall in frustration after Gulf left him. He was hurt that Gulf was keeping him a secret about his plan.

Its fine with him if Gulf decided to pursue his acting lesson abroad it just that of all people why he didn't let him know his plan.

He was mad but at the same time he felt bad the way he reacted.

He felt guilty on the way he treated Gulf lately instead of talking to him in a nice way.

Its the first time that he shouted Gulf and its not his intention he just didn't control his temper.

After he calmed down he grab his phone on the night stand and dialled Gulf's number but its unavailable.

"sh*t! What have I done?"
He cursed under his breath after he checked the clock.

Its 3 in the morning and Gulf hasn't come back yet. He dialled Mild's number and in the 3rd ring he answered.

"Hello,Is Gulf with you?"
Mew ask pacing back and fourth.

"No,I'm at home and I haven't talked to Gulf. Why? What happened Mew? Did you two fight?"
Mild asked him worried.

"Yes,we got into an argument and I told him to leave. I tried calling him but he turned off his phone."
Mew answer with a worry on his voice. He is so nervous that his heart can come out of his chest.

"Okay,calm down. Just let Gulf cool off he will go home when he totally calm down..calm yourself down too and when he come back settle your problems without raising your voice."
Mild told him.

"Okay I will..its not my intention to shout but my temper slept out...and I regret what I did.."
Mew said.

"Is this about Gulf going abroad?"
Mild ask him.

"You know about it?"
Mew ask

"Yes,he told me about it and he ask me for an advice if what he will pursue his workshops abroad or he will just do it here coz he doesn't want to leave you."
Mild told him. Mew bite his bottom lips regretting what he said to Gulf earlier and didn't hear his side.

"He told you that?"
Mew asked in regret.

Mild answer

Mew swallowed the lump on his throat and closed his eyes tightly grabbing his hair in frustration.

"I'm so stupid for not letting him explain his side."
Mew said in regret.

"Okay calm down. Just wait for Gulf at home I'm sure he is just taking a walk to calm down and come back so you guys can talk. Okay rest and just wait for him I'm sure Gulf can explain everything."
Mild answer.

Mew thanked Mild and hang up the call.

He was still setting on the couch trying to call Gulf's number but its still unavailable.

Mew grip his hair in frustration and decided to look for Gulf.

He stood up and grab his car keys and headed out when his phone started ringing.

Its Gulf's number. He hurriedly answered the call.

"Hello Gulf? Where are you?"
Mew asked panting.

"Hello,is this Gulf's friend?"
An unfamiliar voice answer him.

"Yes who is this?"
Mew asked nervously.

"I'm from Bangkok Hospital..I just want you to know that the patient got into an accident and was taken in the ER right now. We need someone to get the patients info sir,Can you come to the hospital now?"
The caller told him.

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