19. Confessions

830 50 4

"Are—are you avoiding me?"

Yes. One hundred percent yes. It's been a week now since I last spoke to Jimin in any form. He's been on break and I have been drowning in work so it's not like it was hard. There's so much to do for this tour and the new album that's coming. When other staff members started whispering in the halls that Jimin was working when he was on a scheduled break, I worked from home or I took the time to do the things I needed to do outside the office, away from him. Thankfully I didn't run into him on my way in or out any of those days. I've ignored his text messages and have been strictly working with Namjoon this week. I haven't asked anyone else for help or clarification on any of my assignments, only Namjoon. I've gone to great lengths to make sure I don't bump into Jimin. Until today. Today is unavoidable.

"No." I lie.

"Then how come I haven't seen you around? I gave up my break in hopes to see you since you haven't answered any of my texts or calls..." He trails off.

"I've been busy. You're not the only one that works around here." I shrug.

"Right. Can we—." He starts before I cut him off.

"Did you need something, Jimin? I'm actually on a bit of a time crunch, I need to speak to Namjoon before you all leave for the airport."

"Oh. Um, no I guess not. Sorry to bother you." He gives a weak smile.

"Ok. Have a good flight. See you when you get back." I say but before I can leave the hallway where he's cornered me, he grabs my arm and stops me.

"I'm not gonna see you again?" He asks.

"Probably not, no. I'm gonna head out and finish some other things after this." I say as a pat the folder that I'm holding to my chest.

"Oh." Is all he says as he looks at the folder, too.

"Yeah." I say. I try to move away but his grip doesn't ease up.

"But, I..." he starts again.

"You, what?" I press.

"I...nothing." He says as he finally lets go.

"Ok. Bye." I say and continue down the hall. I heard his quiet "bye" before I stepped into the elevator but didn't acknowledge it.

I head over to the makeup and wardrobe department looking for Namjoon. I think he said he was in here, I honestly can't remember.

"Hey, Lily? Is Joon here?" I ask as I pass her by.

"Yeah, he's in makeup." She calls back.

"Thanks." I say and I walk down the hall. Just then, I see Siwoo being escorted out by security. She's walking down the hall with a bag of her belongings and man, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Looks like you got what you wanted." She mumbles as she walks past me. I don't acknowledge her, I keep moving as if nothing happened. My mind can't help to wonder what happened though. Before I can give it another moment's thought, I reach Namjoon where he's sitting getting his face done.

"Hey. I got what you asked for." I say as I hand him the folder.

"Thank you. I appreciate you more than you know." He says with a dimpled smile.

"Can I ask?" I mumble quietly as I point to the door. He waves the makeup artist away and it's just us two left talking without being overheard.

"Siwoo? She got fired. Jimin complained to HR and she was let go." He says. His expression is almost amused.

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