14. Confrontation

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The day everyone's been waiting for is finally here. Their show in Seoul that marks the start of the world tour is tonight and everyone is so excited . Everyone's been running around like crazy making sure everything is perfect for tonight. It's honestly one of the most chaotic and hectic days in my entire life and I'm loving every minute of it. Once I hear ARMY getting settled, my heart starts going into overdrive and my stomach is doing backflips knowing its almost showtime. It's crazy how I'm feeling this way and I'm not even the one performing, I can't imagine how the guys must be feeling. I mean, they're pros and they've done this so many times but still. It must be so nerve wracking every time especially when their venues continue to get bigger and bigger.

Before I know it, it's showtime and the guys go on stage to the roar of the crowd. The energy is insane and I can't help but think how I'm so grateful to be here right now. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would ever be a part of something like this. It's amazing and it feels like I'm living in a dream I never want to wake up from.

It's almost time for the guys to come back and change out of their first outfit so I quickly go and make sure everything they need is at their stations and I replenish the towels and cold packs so they can dry off and cool down quickly before going back on. Just as I'm about to walk out of the room again, I hear a few voices speaking in the makeup makeup room adjoining wardrobe. One of them sounds a little annoyed. The door is slightly ajar and I stealthily poke my head in to see who it is making sure no one sees me. It's four makeup artists huddled on a table replenishing their supplies. I dart away from the door so I'm not seen and I was about to walk away when Jimin's name made me halt my steps.

"Did you see Jimin-ah?" the annoyed one asked.

"Yeah, he looks so good today." a second voice says.

"He looks good everyday, what are you talking about?"

"Ok but did see him? He was flirting with that annoying unnie from wardrobe."

"Siwoo, he flirts with everyone. Get over it. That's how he is."

"I don't care. He and I have something, I just know it. He wouldn't do those things with me if he didn't feel something."

"Oh please. Guys don't need to feel anything in order to sleep with someone." At those words, I felt my heart in my throat.

"I didn't sleep with him! We did...other things. But still, you don't do those things with just anyone."

"Siwoo, I'm going to say this in the nicest possible way. Believe me when I say, I mean no offense. But you need to stop living in your fantasy world. The Jimin the world sees and we see is different from the Jimin he actually is. No one is the same person they portray to the world and the person they are in private and everyone has their own ideas about each and every person they meet. You want what you think to be true because you like him that much but you're fooling yourself if you think Park Jimin is exactly who he is when he's in front of people as a part of Bangtan. I'm not saying the real him is bad, I'm just saying you want him to be who he is in your head so bad and that's not gonna end well for you. The faster you realize that, the faster you will realize he's playing you just like he plays everyone. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure he has a thing for that American girl they hired for them."

"Who? Y/N?"

"That's the one."

"How do you know?"

"Seriously? He never stops looking at her. But it's not a normal stare like when you think someone is pretty and you can't help it. No, his looks are more...intense. Like he's trying to burn her image into his memory. Watch him next time she's around and tell me I'm wrong."

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