4. Introductions

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Everyone bows down and greets me as I shyly enter the room, still in complete and utter shock. My heart feels like it might beat out of my chest. I greet them back quietly, not wanting to be rude but not knowing how to react either.

"Is she ok? She seems a little...surprised?" Says Jungkook, looking at me with a little smirk on his face. His eyes slightly hidden under his bangs and his bucket hat.

"Yu-Jin, how is she supposed to be our assistant? Can she even speak Korean? You greeted us in English so I'm guessing not. How are we supposed to communicate? Namjoon hyung can't always be around for us." Says Taehyung. I notice a little trace of annoyance in his voice.

"Enough. Give her a chance." Says Namjoon.

"She's so pretty. Wow." Comes from Jimin.

I clear my throat.

"I apologize. Yes, I was a little surprised. I wasn't told who I would be working with until I walked through those doors. And communication won't be an issue, I can assure you. It's very nice to meet you all. I'm looking forward to working alongside all of you." I say back in perfect Korean and give a slight bow.

I see everyone raised their eyebrows in surprise at what I just said and they smile at me. Jimin blushes a little, thinking I wouldn't understand what he said and I smile at him, making him turn away to hide his little smile.

"Maybe, next time don't judge a book by it's cover?" Says Yoongi to Taehyung, amusement in his voice and expression.

"Right. Sorry." Taehyung says to me quietly.

"It's ok. No worries." I say in English. He smiles at me.

"Alright, well, I'll let you all get to know each other. Y/N, come see me before you go so I can give you your ID and keycards." Yu-Jin says.

"Ok." I reply. She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. All eyes are on me now. This isn't awkward or anything.

"They really didn't tell you it was for us?" Asks Namjoon suddenly. He's probably trying to make this situation less painful. Bless him.

"Uh, no." I start quietly. "I had to sign an NDA before they'd speak about it. I was brought here under the pretext of an assistant job. Well, intern. I figured I'd be in an office somewhere. I didn't think it would be here." I chuckle nervously.

"Wow. Where are you coming to us from?" Asks Hobi.

"Chicago." A chorus of "wows" and "cools" follows.

"No wonder your English is so good." Says the eldest member, Jin.

"Yeah." You laugh.

"So out of curiosity, why did you take the job? You didn't know it was for us. I can't imagine an intern job pays much and you moved across the world for a job that pays next to nothing. Why?" asks Taehyung.

"Why not?" I shrug. "I have nothing else going on. It's not like I was living the dream back home. Might as well get some exposure to other cultures and countries and do something I genuinely enjoy. It's not like I left a job that paid me millions so it's no big deal. This seemed like the better path for me right now. Might as well jump on it while I have the chance since things like this don't come around often." I say honestly.

"That's a good way to look at things." says Namjoon and Hobi nods in agreement.  "Well let me formally introduce us. I'm RM, you can call me Namjoon or Joon if you want. This is Hobi, Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi." he says as he points to each one of the guys. They all take a small step forwards and wave their hand at me and smile as their name is being called out. I wave back and smile at them once he's done.

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