Incorrect Quotes II

Start from the beginning

How everyone else lifts: (uses actual weights)

How Chip lifts: (picks up the nearest person)

Jawa: (being curled by Chip) This is the THIRTEENTH TIME—

Chip: Hey, Jawa? You know how you like spicy food?

Jawa: Yeah, why?

Chip: Well, spicy stuff is painful! Why do you like it?

Jawa: I mean, yeah, it burns, but that's why I like it! It adds energy to the dish!

Mike: So you're saying that people who like spicy food are masochists?

Chip: ...

Ben: ...

Jawa: ...

Chip: Oh...

Ben: ... my...

Jawa: ... gosh...

The boys: (pondering life)

Erica: (looking at camera) And I thought other girls were difficult to understand!

Alexander: Gentlemen, in my experience, it's impossible to understand women, and it isn't worth trying, save for perhaps the one you love most. Women understand other women, and they hate each other!

Ben, Chip, Jawa, Mike: *flashbacks to Erica, Zoe, Ashley, and Jessica catfights* Yeah, that sounds about right.

Erica: Did you know that, on average, women live longer than men?

Zoe: Huh, I wonder why...

[meanwhile with the boys...]

Mike: Okay, just keep that apple on your head, Jawa! Ben, teach me how to be a sniper! (loads .50-cal rifle)

Jawa: (mutters) Note to self: never play Mario Kart with Mike again...

Chip: (standing behind the firing line with a camera) Everyone got eyes and ears? If so, the cams are ready!

Rangemaster: *incoherent screeching*

Jawa: You can't just solve all your problems with suppressive fire!

Chip: (dual-wielding M249 SAWs) I can try!

Mike: (holds up wheel of cheese) I ordered a wheel of Swiss cheese! Not cheddar!

Chip: Swiss cheese has holes, right? Well... (holds up M249) I can fix that!

Ben and Jawa: Chip NO—

Chip: For my next trick, I'LL SAW THESE TRAITORS IN HALF! (holds up M249)

Everyone else: Chip WE NEED THEM ALIVE—

Joshua, Murray, Ashley, Warren: *confused screaming*

Jawa: A few well-placed shots is just as effective as a bunch of poorly-placed shots. The former is more efficient, using less rounds than the latter while possessing the same effectiveness. Thus, a few bursts is better than laying down continuous fire.

Chip: News flash: I don't care. (proceeds to destroy everything with an M134 minigun)

Everyone else at the practice range: ...

Jawa: BOI!

Chip: I got a hot date tonight!

Ben: I legitimately thought the day would never come.

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