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Hello, and welcome! Thank you so much for checking this story out. It's a dual POV, slowburn romance, and it deals with trauma and relationships. Book two and three will be rated mature.

The video at the top is what I listened to while writing- feel free to open it for background music. Sorry there aren't pictures for every chapter, I don't have the time to finish!

 Sorry there aren't pictures for every chapter, I don't have the time to finish!

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Dreams flickered behind Chiisai's eyes as she walked towards the library.

She thought, perhaps, that she should be over this by now. After all, it had been six years since her abilities had been active. The side effect, though a nuisance, was a predictable one.

Sunlight glinted off the windows of nearby shops, and the hanging lanterns swung in the early morning breeze. Dirt stirred as people walked down the road, their voices swelling with the shouts of children and nearby vendors. By all means, it was the perfect morning to be out.

Chiisai sipped her coffee and glared ahead. What she wanted was to get to work. Where it was quiet, and safe, and filled with people too anxious to meet anyone's gaze.

Except Koshuu, of course. He was never quiet or anxious. She never understood why such an extroverted individual worked in a library. Mizuki, her other coworker, made much more sense.

Her foot pivoted and she turned down a side road. A breeze pulled at the strands of her hair and shifted her bangs. She maneuvered around a group of teenagers, and a blonde girl threw her shoulders back in a huff of frustration. The boy in the middle shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets. The word "Naruto" slipped into their conversation, and Chiisai strained her ears. Any further words were drowned out though by a larger boy's crunching of chips.

It probably served her right, trying to listen to something she had no business knowing. Naruto had left with Jaraiya over a month ago, and the town still buzzed with the news. The genin team had failed at retrieving Sasuke, the last Uchiha in the village, and everyone was talking about it. Of course, there were a lot of things to talk about.

The Third Hokage was dead at the hands of his own student, Orochimaru, and the Hidden Sand Village. A third of the city was finally finishing reconstruction after the attack. Those giant snakes had plowed through buildings like a tornado. The library had lost its east side, taking with it hundreds of books, and though the walls had been rebuilt, the books were still being shipped.

At least things were finally returning to normal. Lady Tsunade, the new Hokage, seemed to be handling damage control well. There hadn't been many ninja around these days, being away on so many missions.

She wondered through- if her abilities were still active, if she had still worked for the Third...Could she have stopped the attack?

Of course she would have. She'd have snuck into every visiting ninja's mind, would have recognized Orochimaru's dreams, would have realized the Sand Village was going to betray them. And Lord Hiruzen would still be alive.

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