Chapter 1 Along Came a Mansion

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No one pov:

It was a normal day for (y/n). He was 17 years old and a senior in high school. He has a good family and knows multiple skills like cooking, playing (i/n), and more. It was during May when he went to a party to celebrate a student's birthday from his school. Anyone could go but he left early than expected because it was too loud and had alcohol. It was basically a party like Project X, and he didn't like it. It was around 7 and he started to walk back home.

(y/n) pov:

That's the last time I want to go to a party like that. I wish it was one of the more classical parties like in the old days. I was walking back home. I remembered I went to a path that are partly in the woods. I had to go a few turns to get to that party.

(y/n): that was stupid going there. I guess maybe do something like tv or games for a while since it's Saturday.

I finally went to the path I came from. It was getting pretty dark, but I could still see. I was a little spooked about this place.

(y/n): why did it had to be in the woods?

I kept going then I saw fog came. It seemed a bit strange, but it happens sometimes in this place. It soon became hard to see. I tried to look down on the path and kept going. I went to one fork in the road. I forgot which way was which. I can go left or right.

(y/n): which way, which way?

I got thought I went left from I was going and decided to go right. I kept which felt for kind of a while. I began to feel unsure if this was the right way.  Then the fog started to become clearer to see. I finally got out of it. Then I heard a squeaky noise like metal. I saw there was a metal gate Infront of me. I went through it. I then saw a big and old mansion.

(y/n): holy shot, look at the size of that house

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(y/n): holy shot, look at the size of that house. I guess I took the wrong way.

I was about to head back until I heard thunder. It began to rain hard. I saw the fog was still there and it was raining pretty hard. I guess I have no choice but to go inside that mansion.

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