154 - The Yanderes Have A Sleepover

Start from the beginning

"Ah, right..." Merlin deadpanned. "I get that Ken's a great man, but I still can't believe he's seduced this many girls."

"Do you like Ken, Merlin?" Irene asked.

"Me? No." Merlin stated, before teasingly grinning. "At least, for now. At the moment he's my lil bro."

"I see..." Irene replied.

"I could talk about how much I love Ken all day..." Yui said. "But what else could we do? Cause we can...and will...do that any day."

"I have just the idea..." Merlin grinned. She reached into her bathrobe, slightly opening it up and pulling a pillow out.

No, Merlin was most definitely not wearing anything under that robe.

"How did you store that in there?" Lily sweatdropped.

"Magic." Merlin grinned, before with extreme speed chucking the pillow towards Irene.

Irene had no time to react, the pillow slamming against her face with a large thud. We all froze as the pillow slowly slid down her face, before plopping against the ground.

Irene looked down at the pillow blankly, before slowly bringing her face up with a fierce gaze on her face, most of it towards Merlin.

"Oh shit." Lily gasped.

Merlin's face faltered. "Ahaha...a joke?"

In an instant Irene kicked the pillow up into the air, jumping to her feet. Oh god!

"Run for cover!" I screamed in terror.

The pillow flew through the air, before coming back down. Irene intercepted it with a powerful kick, sending it rocketing towards Merlin. It slammed into Merlin's stomach, sending her sprawling against the ground.

"Pillow fight!" Someone yelled. I'm not sure who did, but everything went to chaos. We quickly scampered for pillows. I grabbed two, dual-wielding them to ward off any others.

The only one which hadn't gotten a pillow was Amber. "Ah..." Amber sweatdropped, realizing her disadvantage.

"Amber! Use me!" Yui yelled, jumping into her arms while clutching a pillow in her hands. "I will be your sword and shield!"

"For once your masochism is helpful!" Grinned Amber, rushing towards Bianca and Aoi which had teamed up.

Lily dashed towards me, swinging a pillow which I barely ducked under. "No hard feelings." She smiled, swinging her pillow once more.

I blocked the two pillows, kicking her backwards. Lily twisted herself in the air, her feet landing against the wall as she pushed against it and leaped through the air.

"Damn your acrobatics!" I laughed, dodging her once again.

"Gah?!" Lily cried out, having ran right into Iris' pillow. She fell down to the ground, Iris smirking at her.

Iris looked over to me, grabbing Lily's pillow and now also duel wielding. She rushed at me, our pillows colliding together.

"Truce?! Truce?!" I desperately asked, knowing that Iris was too good at blocking for me to ever hope to land a hit on her. Her Arcana is a shield after all!

"No." Iris smiled. "This is for that shower incident."

"I didn't want that either!" I cried out, the two of us smacking each other's pillows, trying to get an upper hand on the other.

Yui was currently being bombarded by pillows as Amber hid behind her, holding her by the waist. She then suddenly threw Yui through the air. Yui grabbed onto Bianca, sending the two to the ground.

"You have no pillow." Aoi noted.

Amber only smirked in response.

Aoi's eyes widened, quickly rolling out of the way as Irene appeared from behind her, slamming her pillow down. However, this left her wide open for a tackle by Amber.

I gasped as I felt Iris' pillow impact me in the face, being too late to stop it. I dropped to the ground, panting. I looked over to my left, seeing Lily also lying down.

"This is all your fault..." I jokingly groaned.

"Hardy har har..." Lily sighed.

"Yes!" Iris cheered, before turning pale. She slowly turned around, only to see Irene standing behind her menacingly.

"Hello sister." Smiled Irene.

"Ah...crap." Iris muttered, before having a pillow thrown into her face.

Iris collapsed to the ground as Irene sat down. We all laid in silence, before starting to break out into laughter.

"I've never done that before..." Smiled Iris.

"...neither have I." Aoi stated.

"Mhm." Bianca nodded.

"Ah, this was great~" Yui grinned. "If only that was Ken~"

"Leave your wet dreams to yourself." Sighed Amber, slightly blushing before starting to laugh once more.

"It's nice..." Lily muttered. "Having this many friends...sisters..."

"Yeah." I felt a smile crawl onto my face.

"So..." Merlin grinned, sitting up and holding a movie dvd case. "Who wants to watch a horror movie?"

"Me!" Grinned Yui.

"O-oh no..." I whimpered.

"Where did you even get that...?" Lily sweatdropped.

"Who's preparing the popcorn?" Iris asked.

"I'll do it." Amber stated.

"Not a fan of horror...?" Lily asked.

"No...not since I watched Seventeen Street as a ten year old." I stated.

"No wonder." Lily giggled. "Come on, it'll be fine."

I looked at her hand, before slowly grabbing it. "Alright." I said.

The horror movies were, as expected, scary. However, I was able to enjoy them more than I expected. I guess it's because of them, my fellow sisters.

What a fun night~

A/N: Wholesome yandere girls vibes~

Note: I am not a girl, and thus I have no idea what girls actually do for sleepovers. If you are somehow a girl reading this, I'm sorry for massacring your sacred tradition

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