Chapter 1.- Damn you, Truck-kun.

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Ok, so this is actually my first fanfic. I've had this idea flying around my brain for a long while, and I figured, hey, why not make it a reality. So here it is. Make sure to leave a comment or two about anything I might have missed or made a mistake on, or just comment whatever you wish. With that out of the way, enjoy😊.

(Also, I do not own anything besides the OC. Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo.)



That was the first thing before my eyes when I gained consciousness. I remember going back home after a late night walk, having just said goodbye to my friends which I met along the way. We had gone out to a nearby Cafe, hung out, talked about stuff. What stuff you ask? Oh, y'know. Cute boys, new fashion trends, and, *ugh* , school. Anyways, back on topic. I had split up with them a few minutes ago, and I was walking along the sidewalk towards my house, which just so happened to be across the road. A road which was, for some odd reason, strangely full of cars, and at 8:30 p.m.
I waited for a few minutes for the cars to pass, and once I was sure they were all gone, I took a few steps across the road towards my house. Cue a speeding, honking truck suddenly spawning out of nowhere, going at me at full speed, and then...pain and nothingness.

I feel like I've been floating around in this empty void for an eternity. That's how I felt at least. I couldn't feel my body at all. When I tried to take a breath, I felt like something was pressing down on every part of my body meant for breathing, as if my lungs and throat were constricted while something like a cloth was placed on my nose and mouth, preventing air from entering.

But above all things...

...I WAS SOOO GOSHDARN (gotta keep it safe eh?) BORED!

Then, I saw it. A light. A warm light. And, Christ, a bright one at that. Now I dunno 'bout anyone who says not to go towards the light when you see it, but I'm sick of being in this suffocating void of nothing. Usually light like the one in front of me leads to something, and I'd rather be somewhere else than here right now. Even if it's an eternal deathtrap of suffering, it's still better than this boring emptiness if ya ask me.

Suddenly, as if it read my mind, the light began to grow, and OH GOD IT IS SO BRIGHT! I FEEL LIKE MY EYES ARE GONNA BE BURNED AWAY IF I STARE AT IT TOO LONG! The light, in it's ever growing brightness, began to swallow me, filling me with a warmth like never before. I felt like I was sitting in front of a furnace on a Christmas night, covered in a warm blanket.

Then, after a few seconds of pure whiteness, the light began to dim, and the first thing that greeted me after it disappeared...

...was a face/mouthfull of dust, soil and *bleh* oh God I think I just swallowed a bug.

I retched and coughed, beating my chest and finally knocking the insect out of my body, which then proceeded to buzz away, sounding like one of those cartoon insects that sound like they're laughing after they prank you. The little sh*t.

I dusted myself off and looked around. I was in what looked to be a barren field, several dry plants sticking out, a barely visible cloud of dust being carried by a small wind, and several bones, animal or human, I dunno, scattered around. I think I even saw a tumbleweed pass by.

I then looked at myself to check if if I had any injuries, and got the biggest shock of my life.

I was younger.

My hands looked like they belonged to a fifteen-year old, when I am pretty sure I was eighteen. And to shock me even further, my entire body had been de-aged as well.

My clothes were also different. I remember wearing a black jacket over a white shirt, long blue jeans with leather boots, and a scarf around my neck. Now I'm wearing dirty rags, a pair of pants in desperate need of repair, a pair of sandals, and a brown, dirty shirt with sleeves torn at the very edges.

I try to make sense of my current situation, when I hear a sound. The clocking of hooves and the turning of a wheel, to be precise. I turn around and see a horse pulling a cart full of bags of unknown content. It seems extremely weird to me. Where did I even end up? I'm pretty sure literally no one uses this kind of transport in the 21st century.

Another thing I noticed was a person. Said person seems to be a man of 60 years of age, judging by the white beard and hair. He wore a sleeveless brown jacket over a green shirt, brown, dirty pants and sandals just like me. He was pulling the reins of the horse, meaning he was likely the owner of this cart, and by extension, the bags in it.

Deciding that asking for help would give me answers, I began walking towards the cart, hoping to stop them and ask for assistance.

"Hey! Hey, stop! Over here! Wait!" I yelled out. The man heard me and turned his head towards me. He quickly pulled the reins and the horse stopped in it's tracks. I quickly ran up to the man.

"Thank you for stopping. I was hoping to ask if you could tell me where I am."

The man raised and eyebrow and said "Eh? Ya don't know where ya are? You'd have to be livin' under a rock if ya don't know what this place is. Or are ya new here?"

"I'm new here." I replied "I remember seeing a light, and then all of a sudden I'm here. I don't know where I am and I was hoping to ask you if you could point me to the nearest civilization."

The man seemed to understand my predicament and replied "Huh. So you're new here. Guess I shoulda seen that one comin'. I know a lot of people around here and I can't seem to recall ever seein' yer face around. Especially not one as cute as yours." He said with a smile.

My face immediately gained a blank expression, and the man chucked.
"Hehe, relax kiddo. I was just jokin'. But seriously, I don't remember ever seeing you around here. You from another district or somethin'?"

"Huh? District. What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

The man frowned, and his face gained an expression of pity. "So you really are new, huh? Shame. Oh, well. Nothing can be done about it now."
The man shrugged his shoulders and cleared his throat before speaking. "Well then, before we continue, let's introduce ourselves. My name is Juzo. Mitsubishi Juzo. Welcome to the 49th district of Rukongai."

My name is Sayuri Uzume. To be honest, I don't know how I ended up here, in the world of my favourite anime. But the one thing I do know, is that I refuse to go down without a fight. This is my story. The story of how I became a shinigami. The story of my (un)life here in the Soul Society. The story of how I became on of the greatest shinigami to ever live. (Or not live?)


Author's note:

Wooh, that was fun. My fingers are nearly broken. Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to leave a comment or two, and I'll see you in the next chapter. Out!

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