Are you alright? 𝐴.𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑟

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You were up bright and early, ready for to try your best for being the best assistant, for the best attorney in Newton.

Andy Barber.

You didn't plan on impressing for your outfit choice to Mr. Barber, because he's a married man, and you didn't want Mrs. Barber to get upset for you stealing her husband.

Since she's one obsessive woman for Mr. Barber.

The rumors said that Andy might be divorced now, cause he caught his wife cheating on him, that's why he's usually never home.

He's only home if Jacob, his son need him.

Not Laurie, just Jacob.
~~Fast Forward to you get to work~~

You were walking into Newton's Law Firm

With two coffees.

One black for Mr. Barber, and one french vanilla for you, since you had a feeling he'll need it.

"Oh you must be Ms. Y/L/N, Andy's new assistant. I'm Janice."

Janice extended her hand.

You placed your coffee down and shook her hand as she pointed to Mr. Barber's office.

"Nice to meet you Janice."

You gave her a soft smile, and knocked on Mr. Barber's office.

"Come in."

He said.

You opened the door.

"Your early Ms. Y/N."

"Yeah, I just figured you would like it if shown up earlier to help you out if you need it. Oh here's your coffee sir."

You said while handing him his black coffee.

"Yeah that's good, and oh thank you, is it black?"

He asked you.

"Yeah, I might've done my research for it."

You said while giving him a soft smile.

"Of course, yes."
~~~~~~~~~~~Andy's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

God she's young, and beautiful.

She even got me coffee without asking, she's legit amazing.

And that smile, oh isn't that lovely.

"Do you need anything, Mr. Barber?"

"Call me Andy, but no I don't, thank you though."

She smiled in response.

I just knew I had to kiss her but I don't know how she would feel about kissing her new boss.

Fuck it.

I got up and grabbed her cheeks.

"Mr. Barber.."

I only hushed her, and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

I felt so many sparks fly throughout the kiss, than I had with my ex wife.

I didn't even hear the door open, till she made a shriek.

"You little bitch!"

Screamed Laurie the woman that I am no longer with.

She marched over and I shielded Y/N.

"Get out of the way, Andy."

She scoffed looking more pissed when I wanted a divorce.


I replied at her sternly.

"Fine then, I'll move you."

Laurie said as she went around me and slapped Y/N.

"Stop Laurie we are over. Security!"

I shouted as they took Laurie away and closed the door.

Y/N started balling crying.

"Come here."

I motioned her onto my lap and she gladly got on it, while hugging and crying while soaking my suit.

But I didn't care.

I just hushed her and stroked her back while her sobs were slowly fading.

"Are you alright?"

I asked her finally when she slowed sobbing.

"Yeah, it just shocked me that she slapped me."

"Well she's going to gone for a long time, okay?"

"Okay, thank you Andy."

"Of course. How would you feel if we went to get dinner tonight?"

"I would love to, Andy."

She said while I smiled and kissed her lips once more.

"Your an amazing kisser, by the way love."

She giggled in response and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Tonight love, I'm going to spoil you so much."

"You don't have to Andy, after what happened."

"Nonsense, I am going to do that, okay?"

She nodded in response.

I kissed her forehead and just placed my head on hers.

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