I'll keep you safe. A. Lᴇᴠɪɴsᴏɴ

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You and your boyfriend Ari, were cuddling while you were asleep in the bed.

You always gripped Ari's skin whenever you have a night terror in the middle of the night, they always scare you where you always end up crying.

~~~~~~~~~The Night Terror~~~~~~~

You were running in the woods be scared for your life.

Whenever you were running it felt like your legs were turning into jelly, which it increased your breathing, being scared in the woods not knowing anything.

Whatever was chasing you, it always came faster than it's origin speed.

"I got you now, your precious boyfriend won't save you."

The person said while gripping your shoulders to make sure you look at him.

You were whimpering more than ever.

"Stop please. What do you want and. I'll give it to you."

You said cause your adrenaline was rushing, and fear was in you more than ever.

"I want you to ki-"

~~~~~~~~The Night Terror End~~~~~~~

Ari shook your arm to wake you up.

When you finally woke up you started crying.

"Shh, Shh. I got you princess."

Ari said while putting you on his lap cause you got scared bad.

"It was different this time."

You said while sniffing as your head was on his broad shoulder.

"No matter what happens Y/N. I will always keep you safe since, you are my number one priority."

Ari said while stroking your hair, and giving you forehead kisses.

"You mean it Ari?"

You asked him, while you knew the answer already, but you wanted to ask anyway.

"Yes my love. I will always keep you safe no matter what happens."

He gave you a soft kiss to reassure you and you gave him one back.

"I love you, Ari"

"And I love you so much more."

He said while giving you more kisses than ever.

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