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Next day

"Heard you're coming to Yoongi's party today?"

Taehyung averted his eyes away from the view outside and turned to look to his left, where he found a raven haired boy sitting next to him.

The blond felt warm, knowing Jeongguk was close.

And he despised that feeling.


Jeongguk shifted his eyes from Taehyung to the view outside too. It was pretty early in the morning and the sun just rose fully, leaving the sky with pinkish dust. "Nothing. It's great you're coming too."

Taehyung felt his heart do a small flip and then cursed because of it. "Can't say the same about you," he responded, looking away from Jeongguk, who just smirked at the blond's remark.

"You're so nice," he chuckled, leaning back on his seat. "Do you know the way to Yoongi's? I can drive you if you want."

"You don't have a car," Taehyung scoffed and Jeongguk felt the stab. He shrugged it off. "I'll take my dad's car."

"Doesn't your dad work evenings?" Taehyung questioned and Jeongguk's expression fell as he hummed.

"Doesn't mean I still can't pick you up. We can walk, Yoongi doesn't live that far from your house," Jeongguk then suggested and Taehyung wondered why the older boy was suddenly so eager to go to the party with him.

Why was he being so nice?

And why did it do these funny things to Taehyung's heart?

"I'm fine, I'll find my way," the blond responded, although inside he would gladly go with Jeongguk, he just won't admit it.

"What a shame. I'm gonna pick you up at 6:30, tho."

Taehyung looked at him with widened eyes. "What no? You're not."

"Watch me," Jeongguk smiled.

He smiled and it made Taehyung blush.

"N-no, I mean, just go there by yourself. I'm not a kid to need someone bringing me there-

"I promised it," Jeongguk suddenly began, voice quieter than before as he looked at Taehyung. "Your first real party. I promised I'll go with you."

Taehyung froze. He wasn't a fan of parties when they were younger, in fact still isn't and Jeongguk, who actually loved partying, made a promise to attend Taehyung's first party together when they were around the age of 16 and 15. He remembers... this promise?

Clearing his throat, Taehyung crossed his arms. "This isn't my first party."

Jeongguk raised an eyebrow. "It's your first party where people are gonna be drunk," he said and Taehyung froze another time, because he remembered something else again.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll take care of you. I won't drink anything when you're with me, Taetae. Parties aren't that bad"

Taehyung just stared at Jeongguk. He made two promises that day. It's crazy how the simple fact that Jeongguk remembers such meaningless promises makes Taehyung feel all this crazy stuff inside.

"You promised this when I was 15. I'm 18 now, no need to worry," he shrugged it off, eyes suddenly locking with Jeongguk's.

The damn butterflies spread their wings inside of him the moment these charcoal eyes fell into his view. They were sparkling in something Taehyung couldn't identify and adding to that, his lips where in a light smile. Why was Jeongguk looking at him like this?

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